add_library(<name> <SHARED|STATIC|MODULE|INTERFACE> [source1] [source2 ...]) 其中,是你要创建的库的名称,用于指定库的类型。你可以选择的类型包括SHARED(共享库,Shared Libraries)、STATIC(静态库,Static Libraries)、MODULE(模块库,Module Libraries)或INTERFACE(接口库,Interface Libraries)。[source1] [sou...
add_library(your_lib_name STATIC | SHARED | MODULE ...your_code_path)指定最终生成的链接库的名...
若使用动态链接库(这里对应的头文件依然不变),只需要在最后link的时候增加动态库的两个文件(.dll, .dll.a)即可 # link libraries# If static library# target_link_libraries(MyStep PUBLIC "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/3rdparty/trdlib/libmymath_static.a")# If dynamic librarytarget_link_libraries(MyStep PUB...
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10) # set the project name and version project(Tutorial VERSION 1.0) # specify the C++ standard set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 11) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED True) # control where the static and shared libraries are built so that on windows # we don't need ...
add_library( hello_shared SHARED ${libhello_src}) add_library( hello_static STATIC ${libhello_src}) # 按照一般的习惯,静态库名字跟动态库名字应该是一致的,只是扩展名不同; #即:静态库名为 libhello.a; 动态库名为 ; # 所以,希望 "hello_static" 在输出时,不是"hello_static",而是...
#include"static/Hello.h"intmain(intargc,char*argv[]){ Hello hi; hi.print();return0; } CMakeLists.txt文件内容如下: cmake_minimum_required(VERSION3.5)project(hello_library)### Create a library###Generate the static library from the library sourcesadd_library(hello_library STATIC src/Hello...
target_link_libraries(<target> <library>) 1. 2. 3. include_directories 指定头文件的搜索路径。 link_directories 指定库文件的搜索路径。 target_link_libraries 指定要链接的库文件的名称。 使用这些命令时,还需要注意几点: 库文件的名称可能因平台而异,例如在 Unix 平台上是 .a 文件,在 Windows 平台上是...
在软件开发中,动态链接库(Dynamic Link Libraries, DLLs)和静态链接库(Static Link Libraries, SLLs)的使用和管理,往往反映出开发者对知识结构和逻辑的理解。静态链接库在编译时将代码直接嵌入到可执行文件中,而动态链接库则是在运行时被载入。这种差异,就像人类思维中的直觉与反思:直觉是内在的、立即的,相当于静态...
Static libraries On step 4, we created a static library called cmake_testapp_lib (the default filename is libcmake_testapp_lib.a). Now let's see how this library can be linked to our project. For convenience, we will create and use a separate folder for it. Create a lib direct...
In a more badly case, the previously mentioned OpenCV imgcodecs shared library example, the actual link order is: (note OpenCV will build both zlib and libpng static libraries) imgcodecs --> zlib --> libpng /// link case 1 But the correct link order should be: imgcodecs --> libpng...