make[1]: Warning: File `CMakeFiles/Makefile2' has modification time 938 s in the future make[2]: Warning: File `src/CMakeFiles/test.dir/flags.make' has modification time 937 s in the future Scanning dependencies of target test make[2]: warning: Clock skew detected. Your build may be...
cd /d C:\\Program\ Files\ \(x86\)\\Microsoft\ Visual\ Studio\\2019\\ Windows的路径里动不动夹杂几个转移符、空格、特殊符号,这谁顶得住啊。 高情商说法:Windows 是最适合练习你 C 语言转移符使用水平的地方。 方法三:使用find_package(更通用) 更好的做法是用 CMake 的 find_package 命令。 find...
JSON Copy {"requests":[{"kind":"cache","version":2},{"kind":"cmakeFiles","version":1},{"kind":"codemodel","version":2}]} When your custom or preferred tools generate your cache, CMake places files under .cmake/api/v1/response that Visual Studio uses to populate the editor ...
After callingCPMAddPackage, the following variables are defined in the local scope, where<dependency>is the name of the dependency. <dependency>_SOURCE_DIRis the path to the source of the dependency. <dependency>_BINARY_DIRis the path to the build directory of the dependency. ...
which will be provided to that script, taking the header visibility into account. The scripts are also passed SCRIPT_HEADER_VISIBILITY ("public" or "private"). Files that should not be processed by build rules may need to be moved to a Copy Files build phase when this setting is enabled....
进入build目录下,指定版本编译src cmake -G"MinGW Makefiles"..\src 不指定版本默认为vs cmake ..\src 构建:在当前目录下 cmake --build . 7、说明 cmake命令不区分大小写,但是变量和参数区分 参数用空格或者分号隔开 使用${VAR}引用变量 引号可加可不加,如果有字符串就必须加 ...
which will be provided to that script, taking the header visibility into account. The scripts are also passed SCRIPT_HEADER_VISIBILITY ("public" or "private"). Files that should not be processed by build rules may need to be moved to a Copy Files build phase when this setting is enabled....
file({REMOVE | REMOVE_RECURSE } <files>...) file(RENAME <oldname> <newname> [...]) file(COPY_FILE <oldname> <newname> [...]) file({COPY | INSTALL} <file>... DESTINATION [...]) file(SIZE <filename> <out-var>) file(READ_SYMLINK <linkname> <out-var>) file(CREATE_...
Copy libcmake_testapp_lib.a from its default location, which is cmake-build-debug, to the lib folder. Add the following commands to link this library to the cmake_testapp target: find_library(TEST_LIBRARY cmake_testapp_lib lib) target_link_libraries(cmake_testapp LINK_PUBLIC ${TEST...