<cmake> --build . [--config <config>] [--target <target>] [-- -i] where <cmake> is the location of the cmake(1) command-line tool, and <config> and <target> are the values provided to the CONFIGURATION and TARGET options, if any. The trailing -- -i option is added for M...
<cmake>--build . [--config<config>] [--target<target>] [-- -i] 1. where <cmake> is the location of the cmake(1) command-line tool, and <config> and <target> are the values provided to the CONFIGURATION and TARGET options, if any. The trailing -- -i option is added for M...
例如,target_include_directories()命令可以用来指定一个目标的头文件搜索路径,这比使用旧的include_directories()命令更加灵活和直观。 在使用现代CMake命令时,我们需要注意的一个重要原则是:尽量使用目标属性(target properties)而不是全局变量(global variables)。这是因为目标属性可以使我们的CMakeLists.txt文件更加模块...
Command-Line Build Tool Generators These generators support command-line build tools. In order to use them, one must launch CMake from a command-line prompt whose environment is already configured for the chosen compiler and build tool. Makefile Generators Borland Makefiles MSYS Makefiles MinGW Ma...
target: dependencies commands 在CMake中,CMakeLists.txt文件中的指令会被转换为Makefile中的目标、依赖和命令。例如,add_executable指令会生成一个目标,target_link_libraries指令会生成依赖,而实际的编译和链接命令则由CMake自动生成。 理解Makefile的基本结构和原理,对于深入理解CMake生成的Makefile有着重要的作用。
[-- <build-tool-options>] # 安装项目 cmake --install <dir> [<options>] # 打开项目 cmake --open <dir> # 运行脚本 cmake [{-D <var>=<value>}...] -P <cmake-script-file> # 运行内建命令 cmake -E <command> [<options>] # 运行Find-Package工具 cmake --find-package [<...
Hi, The issue is following issue 225: #225 We found following commands always install the gateway files into /usr/local cd build cmake --build . --target install We need to install to some our defined folder, or the local "install-deps" ...
# 新建编译缓存路径mkdir-pout/debug&&cdout/debug# 执行配置cmake../..-GNinja-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug# 执行编译cmake--build.# 安装(高版本cmake支持)cmake--install.# 低版本cmake可用cmake--build.--targetinstall 步骤二编译时也可以使用目标编译系统的编译命令触发编译,需要编写跨平台编译脚本时,使用...
It's equivalent to invoking cmake --build from the command line. For more information on the CMake build step, see the CMake documentation. To build a CMake project, you have these choices: In the toolbar, find the Startup Item dropdown. Select the preferred target and press F5, or...
执行构建,相当于用通用的写法,对生成的目标平台构建描述文件进行调用,替代具体的"make"、"nmake"等写法。(个人经常用,还可以指定--target TargetName和--config BUILD_TYPE) 用VS、XCode等打开工程(我没用过,我也觉得没必要) 执行cmake脚本 执行命令行工具 ...