如果要为nmake指定x64/x86,还不清楚cmake有没相关参数设置,目前我知道的方法如下, 以vs2015为例,打开cmd,定位到Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\目录下,然后执行命令: vcvarsall.bat x64 如果要32位,就执行:vcvarsall.bat x86。 执行完后再跳转到要构建的工程目录下,接着执行:cmake -G"NMake Makefiles" p...
x86_64 architecture. Compiled on a 64 bit host processor. 它是如何工作的 CMake 定义了CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR变量,其中包含当前正在运行的处理器的名称。这可以设置为“i386”、“i686”、“x86_64”、“AMD64”等,当然,这取决于当前的 CPU。CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P被定义为持有指向void类型的指针的大小。
1$ cmake-G"Unix Makefiles" ../2-- The C compiler identification is GNU 7.2.03-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 7.2.04-- Check for working C compiler: C:/Program Files (x86)/mingw-w64/i686-7.2.0-posix-dwarf-rt_v5-rev1/mingw32/bin/gcc.exe5-- Check for working C comp...
# if PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE was x86 or X86 change CPU to i386 !IF ( "$(CPU)" == "X86" ) || ( "$(CPU)" == "x86" ) CPU = i386 !ENDIF # CPU == X86 !IF "$(CPU)" != "i386" !IF "$(CPU)" != "IA64" !IF "$(CPU)" != "AMD64" ...
By default, Visual Studio provides four default CMake configurations (“x86-Debug”, “x86-Release”, “x64-Debug” and “x64-Release”) that define the way CMake.exe is invoked to create the CMake cache for a given CMake project (CMake cache is needed for editing and building the pr...
boostc++cmake Cmake cannot find Boost libraries 我是Cmake的新手,并增强了C ++中的库。 我...
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ - skipped -- Detecting CXX compile features -- Detecting CXX compile features - done Current system is Linux Compiler ID: GNU Current system name is Linux. -- The current platform x86_64 is detected ...
Previously, new CMake projects in Visual Studio would create a default configuration that was never saved to disc. Now Visual Studio will create a default “x64-Debug” or “x86-Debug” configuration that matches the bitness of your machine and persists like a normal con...
[root@localhost~]# rpm -qa | grep rsync[root@localhost~]# yum install rsyncLoadedplugins:fastestmirrorLoadingmirror speeds from cached hostfileResolvingDependencies-->Runningtransaction check--->Packagersync.x86_640:3.1.2-10.el7 will be installed-->FinishedDependencyResolution>>>中间的安装过程省略<...