Description Refer to apache/kvrocks#1662 . We enable threadsanitizer in CI to check thread safety, and it works well previously. But currently it does not work as usual. In CMake compiler check procedure, it cannot compile even a basic h...
使用命令g++ main.cpp -o ./bin/main -Iincludes1 -Iincludes2 -Ibase -L./libs/ -ltools编译可执行文件的时候,会默认自动调用libs下的动态库,而非静态库,可以证明,生成main之后,ldd ./bin/main会看到这么一行 => not found,说明没能找到动态库的链接文件,此时运行报错./bin/main: error wh...
(CPPCHECK_EXECUTABLE NAMES cppcheck) if(CPPCHECK_EXECUTABLE) add_custom_target(cppcheck COMMAND ${CPPCHECK_EXECUTABLE} ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src COMMENT "Running cppcheck" ) else() message(WARNING "cppcheck not found. Please install cppcheck or disable ENABLE_CPPCHECK option.") endif() endif...
今天第一次使用cmake的CHECK_INCLUDE_FILE_CXX函数检查是否存在codecvtinclude文件,然而出错了(编译器使用gcc 5.4.0)。 cmake脚本如下: 代码语言:javascript include(CheckIncludeFileCXX)# 检查是否存在 codecvt header fileCHECK_INCLUDE_FILE_CXX(codecvtHAS_CODECVT)# 检查是否存在 algorithm header fileCHECK_INCLUDE_F...
DEBUG: C:/users/homul/_bazel_homul/3ndcen5c/external/bazel_toolchains/rules/rbe_repo/checked_in.bzl:125:14: buildkite_config not using checked in configs; Bazel version 4.2.1 was picked/selected but no checked in config was found in map {"0.20.0": ["8.0.0"], "0.21.0": ["8.0....
{VERBOSE})4、5、//示例2:6、set(ENV{CMAKE_PATH}"myown/path/example")7、#判断CMAKE_PATH环境变量是否定义8、if(DEFINEDENV{CMAKE_PATH})//注意此处ENV前没有$符号9、message("CMAKE_PATH_1: $ENV{CMAKE_PATH}")//注意此处ENV前有$符号10、else()11、message("NOT DEFINED CMAKE_PATH VARIABLES...
如果是0,OFF,NO,FALSE,N,IGNORE,NOTFOUND,空字符串时,条件判断返回False 2.1.2 逻辑判断 NOT if(NOT<condition>) 其实这就是一个取反操作,如果条件condition为True将返回False,如果条件condition为False将返回True。 AND if(<cond1>AND<cond2>) 如果cond1和cond2同时为True,返回True否则返回False。
CMake Warning at cmake/modules/CheckLibTIFFPSDSupport.cmake:60 (message): Your version of libtiff cannot read or write Photoshop TIFFs! Call Stack (most recent call first): CMakeLists.txt:859 (include) Found HEIF Found OpenJPEG Correctly found FFTW3 ...
zsh: command not found: cmake I have tried various things (rebooting, moving CMake to different directories, etc.) but to no avail. I have only limited experience with the Terminal, so perhaps I'm missing something obvious... Any suggestions?
The following values are treated as False: 0, OFF, NO, N, IGNORE, NOTFOUND, empty strings, and values that end in the suffix -NOTFOUND. In all other cases, the value is treated as True. When you check or uncheck the checkbox in the CLion user interface, the following pairs of ...