确定pthread_create 函数是否存在于 pthreads 中失败,输出如下: … /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lpthreads 包含编译器标志的 cmakelists.txt 行如下: set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS"${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}-O3 -lpthread -DNDEBUG -DEIGEN_MPL2_ONLY")set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG"-g -O0 -Wall -lpthread -DEIGEN_MPL2_...
I use ldconfig -h | grep pthread can find the library, libpthreads. Google this problem, may be some error in the code if i use cmake 3.8 version. ## please tell me where to change -lptheads to -lpthread. Contributor pietern commented Sep 21, 2017 Can you please share the chunk ...
-- CUDA found (library: /usr/local/cuda-11.1/lib64/libcudart_static.a;-lpthread;dl;/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/librt.so include: /usr/local/cuda-11.1/include) -- CUDA architecture flags: -gencodearch=compute_35,code=sm_35-gencodearch=compute_50,code=sm_50-gencodearch=compute_52,code...
but it is apparently attempting to run a link phase, based on the input files (.cu.o). Just as the error message says, when you ask for compilation only, and specify an output file, you cannot present multiple compilation targets. This is not a bug innvcc. ...
boost_1_59_0 -- MYSQLX - Text log of protobuf messages enabled -- Library mysqlclient depends on OSLIBS -lpthread;m;rt;dl -- Googletest was not found. gtest-based unit tests will be disabled. You can run cmake . -DENABLE_DOWNLOADS=1 to automatically download and build required ...
linux cmake error undefined reference to symbol 'pthread_create@@GLIBC_2.2.5 在cmake脚本中增加: target_link_libraries( XXXX -lpthread -lm) XXXX为项目名字
gcc main.c -o wechat-demo -lpthread 好了,就这么简单几行,你可以试着把代码下载下来,然后依照build目录下README.md的说明执行一下。执行完之后,在build目录下应该是下面这样的: benggee@benggee:~/app/c-program/cmake/build$ tree . . ├── CMakeCache.txt ...
dir/tests.cpp.o -o runTests /usr/lib/libgtest.so.1.14.0 -lpthread -lThreads::Threads 运行 cmake --build build;如果跳过上述解决方法,则会发生以下错误: [ 50%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/runTests.dir/tests.cpp.o [100%] Linking CXX executable runTests /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -...
:__cxx11::basic_stringbuf::__xfer_bufptrs' redeclared with different access错误...路径不对导致找不到被测cpp文件 4、出现cannot find -lgtest或 cannot find -lgtest_main 错误找不到libgtest.a 或libgtest_main.a...造成的,检查CMakeLists.txt中的link_directories所包含的libgtest.a libgtest_main...
gcc main.c -o wechat-demo -lpthread 好了,就这么简单几行,你可以试着把代码下载下来,然后依照build目录下README.md的说明执行一下。执行完之后,在build目录下应该是下面这样的: benggee@benggee:~/app/c-program/cmake/build$ tree . . ├── CMakeCache.txt ...