CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE::build 类型(Debug, Release,)CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug BUILD_SHARED_LIBS:Switch between shared and static libraries 内置变量的使用: >> 在CMakeLists.txt中指定,使用set >> cmake命令中使用,如cmake -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF 常用命令: cmake dir_path,生成工程文件或makefile文件 示例...
cmake的四个命令:add_compile_options、add_definitions、target_compile_definitions、build_command Public VS Private VS Interface cmake:target_** 中的 PUBLIC,PRIVATE,INTERFACE CMake: Public VS Private VS Interface CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIRCMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR ...
cmake -Bbuild cmake --build build --target cpm-update-package-lock See thewikifor more info. When using CPM.cmake with private repositories, there may be a need to provide anaccess tokento be able to clone other projects. Instead of providing the token in CMake, we recommend to provid...
cmake -B build cmake --build build -j4 cmake --build build --target install CMake 项目的构建分为两步, 第一步是 cmake -B build,称为配置阶段(configure),这时只检测环境并生成构建规则会在build 目录下生成本地构建系统能识别的项目文件(Makefile 或是 .sln) 第二步是 cmake --build build,...
For more information on the CMake build step, see the CMake documentation. To build a CMake project, you have these choices: In the toolbar, find the Startup Item dropdown. Select the preferred target and press F5, or choose the Run button on the toolbar. The project automatically ...
Up until very recently, simply building the “MyUnitTests (Install)” would ALSO execute the install command as well, so the resultant artifact (library or executable) would be copied to the install location as part of the build process. Now, this ha...
$<BUILD_INTERFACE:${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}> $<INSTALL_INTERFACE:${INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}> ) 链接库和目标属性与前一个食谱相比未更改: 代码语言:javascript 复制 target_link_libraries(message-static PUBLIC $<$<BOOL:${UUID_FOUND}>:PkgConfig::UUID> ...
COMMAND $<TARGET_FILE:cpp_test> ) 运行测试集报告测试通过,如下所示: 代码语言:javascript 复制 $ ctest Test project /home/user/cmake-recipes/chapter-04/recipe-05/cxx-example/build Start 1: cpp_test 1/1 Test #1: cpp_test ... Passed 0.00 sec 100% tests passed, 0 tests failed...
# search for programs inthe build host directories SET(CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_PROGRAMNEVER) # for libraries and headersin the target directories SET(CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_LIBRARYONLY) SET(CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_INCLUDE ONLY) ...
if(${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} STREQUAL "Debug") add_executable(debug_target main.cpp) endif() If you select this target in the run/debug configuration, CLion will only suggest the Debug profile. Click or call one of the available Build actions. Also, build is performed by default before run or...