cmake_minimum_required(VERSION2.8)project(cmaketest)#set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER "g++")add_compile_options(-std=c++11-w)#add_definitions(-std=c++11)build_command(BUILD_COMMAND_LINE CONFIGURATION ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} PROJECT_NAME cmaketest TARGET all)message("build command:${BUILD_COMMAND_LINE}")...
It sets the given <cachevariable> to a command-line string as above but without the --target option. The <makecommand> is ignored but should be the full path to msdev, devenv, nmake, make or one of the end user build tools for legacy invocations. Note In CMake versions prior to 3.0...
# 新建编译缓存路径mkdir-pout/debug&&cdout/debug# 执行配置cmake../..-GNinja-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug# 执行编译cmake--build.# 安装(高版本cmake支持)cmake--install.# 低版本cmake可用cmake--build.--targetinstall 步骤二编译时也可以使用目标编译系统的编译命令触发编译,需要编写跨平台编译脚本时,使用...
一、CMake构建后的项目结构解析(Analysis of the Project Structure After CMake Build)1.1 CMake构建后的目录结构(Directory Structure After CMake Build)CMake构建完成后,会在项目的根目录下生成一个名为 …
[-- <build-tool-options>] # 安装项目 cmake --install <dir> [<options>] # 打开项目 cmake --open <dir> # 运行脚本 cmake [{-D <var>=<value>}...] -P <cmake-script-file> # 运行内建命令 cmake -E <command> [<options>] # 运行Find-Package工具 cmake --find-package [<...
CMake command arguments Corresponds to cmakeCommandArgs. Specifies any more command-line options passed to CMake. Build command arguments Corresponds to buildCommandArgs. Specifies more switches to pass to the underlying build system. For example, passing -v when using the Ninja generator forces Ninja...
Build a Project cmake --build <dir> [<options>] [-- <build-tool-options>] Install a Project cmake --install <dir> [<options>] Open a Project cmake --open <dir> Run a Script cmake [{-D <var>=<value>}...] -P <cmake-script-file> Run a Command-Line Tool cmake -E <co...
PROJECT_BINARY_DIR:运行 cmake 命令的目录,通常是 ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/build。 PROJECT_NAME:返回通过 project 命令定义的项目名称。 CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR:当前处理的 CMakeLists.txt 所在的路径。 CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR:target 编译目录。
//示例3://CMakeLists.txt:cmake_minimum_required(VERSION3.20.0)project(Environment)//在配置期间打印myenv环境变量message("generated with "$ENV{myenv})//在构建阶段过程中打印相同的变量add_custom_target(EchoEnvALLCOMMANDecho "myenvinbuild
The CMake build step builds an already generated project binary tree. It's equivalent to invoking cmake --build from the command line. For more information on the CMake build step, see the CMake documentation. To build a CMake project, you have these choices: In the toolbar, find the...