《CMake Best Practice》第 1 章笔记--Quick Start 最小CMakeLists.txt文件# cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.21) project( "chapter1" VERSION 1.0 DESCRIPTION "A simple project to demonstrate basic CMake usage" LANGUAGES CXX) add_executable(Chapter1) target_sources(Chapter1 PRIVATE src/main.cpp) ...
src文件夹下只包含一个main.cpp文件: #include<iostream>intmain(int,char**){std::cout<<"Welcome to CMake Best Practices\n";return0;} CMakeLists.txt文件内容如下: cmake_minimum_required(VERSION3.21)project(hello_world_standaloneVERSION1.0DESCRIPTION"A simple C++ project"HOMEPAGE_URL https://gith...
This goes over cmake best practices and guidelines from Daniel Pfeifer's talks on cmake:Effective cmakeandCmake introduction and best practices cmake_minimum_required Prefer the latest version of CMake. Please don’t set 2.8 as the minimum. If you use 2.6 or 2.4, God kills a kitten. pro...
pkg-config是一个帮助我们在构建过程中查询已安装库的详细信息的工具。正如Bjarne Stroustrup在《Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++》中所说:“有时候,最好的工具就在你的手边。” find_package(PkgConfigREQUIRED)pkg_check_modules(LIB_PKG_CONFIG${LIB_NAME})if(LIB_PKG_CONFIG_FOUND)set(LIB_PATH...
5. 最佳实践与常见错误 (Best Practices and Common Mistakes) 5.1 维护库查找模板的建议 (Tips for Maintaining the Library Finder Template) 一旦您的项目开始增长,您可能会发现自己需要在多个地方查找库。为了确保查找模板的可维护性,以下是一些建议:
3.3 实践中的应用 (Application in Practice) 在实际的项目开发中,我们需要综合考虑各种因素,确保我们的 CMake 脚本既能满足文件排除的需求,又能保证其他文件的正常拷贝和安装。通过深入理解EXCLUDE和PATTERN的工作原理,结合具体的项目需求和场景,我们可以写出更加健壮、灵活的 CMake 脚本,提升项目的构建和部署效率。
最新版已经是v3.16了,并且已经内建支持了 PCH),因此有一些之前认为是 modern practice 的做法可能...
The ament_cmake user documentation only has a section for building a library, but not for building a binary. Some parts are not straightforward to adapt to that use case, for instance: Is there still a use case for ament_export_targets? Since it has an option HAS_LIBRARY_TARGET I think...
Professional CMake: A Practical Guide Structured learning, best practice and real world advice direct from a CMake co-maintainer Production Focused Professional CMake: A Practical Guideis the handbook for every CMake user, from beginner to seasoned veteran. It contains hundreds of pages of real-...
所以为了减轻各位的痛苦,今天抽空写一篇文章给大家简单介绍一下 CMake。讲一讲它是什么,一个常见项目文件(CMakeFiles.txt)的结构,一些工程上的 best practice,以及我的一些习惯。 CMake 的历史 你可能会觉得「CMake 这个垃圾东西有什么历史好讲的」。你说的对,但是: ...