-- Configuring done CMake Error: AutoUic (nc-ng): The uic executable "" does not exist -- Build files have been written to: /var/tmp/portage/app-editors/nedit-ng-2018.13/work/nedit-ng-2018.13_build ERROR: app-editors/nedit-ng-2018.13::local failed (configure phase): cmake failed Call...
并且qmake项目运行良好,现在我需要使用cmake Qt项目进行编译: cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5) project(demo LANGUAGES CXX) set(CMAKE_INCLUDE_CURRENT_DIR ON) set(CMAKE_AUTORCC ON) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 11) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED ON) find_package(Qt5 COMPONENTS Core Quick R 浏览0...
Generates a vivado testbench block using captured ILA-core signals - ILA_Testbench_Generator/cmake/ExampleMaster.cmake at 558b5a8a14d44cbdc025dc68afa625deebf876e3 · KROIA/ILA_Testbench_Generator
# git clean-dfx . && cmake CMakeLists.txt &&make&&find. -name"*.qm"project(generate_qm)if(NOT TARGET Qt5::release) add_executable(Qt5::lrelease IMPORTED) set(imported_location"/usr/bin/lrelease")if(NOT EXISTS"${imported_location}") message(FATAL_ERROR"/usr/bin/lrelease does not exi...
Usually this property does not need to be set. Only consider this prop- erty if auto-detection of rcc can not work -- e.g. because you are building the rcc binary as part of your project. See the cmake-qt(7) manual for more information on using CMake with Qt. AUTORCC_OPTIONS ...
(objs_file.c_str()); if (!fout) { cmSystemTools::Error("could not open " + objs_file); return; } if (mdi->WindowsExportAllSymbols) { std::vector<std::string> objs; for (cmSourceFile const* it : objectSources) { // Find the object file name corresponding to this source file...
Stellarium is a free GPL software which renders realistic skies in real time with OpenGL. It is available for Linux/Unix, Windows and macOS. With Stellarium, you really see what you can see with your eyes, binoculars or a small telescope. - stellarium/CM
cmSystemTools::FileExists(absSetupFile)) { cmSystemTools::Error( cmStrCat("CMAKE_PROJECT_TOP_LEVEL_INCLUDES file does not exist: ", setupFile)); mf->GetState()->SetInTopLevelIncludes(false); return; } if (cmSystemTools::FileIsDirectory(absSetupFile)) { cmSystemTools::Error( cm...
( MessageType::INTERNAL_ERROR, "fileFound is true but FileFound is empty!"); fileFound = false; } } std::string foundVar = cmStrCat(this->Name, "_FOUND"); std::string notFoundMessageVar = cmStrCat(this->Name, "_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE"); std::string notFoundMessage; // If the ...
( MessageType::INTERNAL_ERROR, "fileFound is true but FileFound is empty!"); fileFound = false; } } std::string const foundVar = cmStrCat(this->Name, "_FOUND"); std::string const notFoundMessageVar = cmStrCat(this->Name, "_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE"); std::string notFoundMess...