问题二:cmake库搜索函数find_library会搜索LD_LIBRARY_PATH吗 通过阅读Does CMake's find_library search LD_LIBRARY_PATH可以知道,find_library默认不搜索LD_LIBRARY_PATH, 并且网上也找不到让cmake搜索LD_LIBRARY_PATH的文章。 那cmake能搜索LD_LIBRARY_PATH吗? 答案是可以的,通过cmake获取LD_LIBRARY_PATH环境变...
configure_file(TutorialConfig.h.in TutorialConfig.h) target_link_libraries(Tutorial PUBLIC ${EXTRA_LIBS}) # add the binary tree to the search path for include files # so that we will find TutorialConfig.h target_include_directories(Tutorial PUBLIC "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}" ${EXTRA_INCLUDES} )...
#要求的Cmake最低版本CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED( VERSION 2.8)#工程名称PROJECT(main)#设置编译器编译模式:set( CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE"Debug")#生成共享库#get the shared package#here needs no .hppadd_library(calculate_shared SHARED hello.cpp)#生成可以执行的文件add_executable(main main.cpp)#连接共享库target_...
# to the source codeconfigure_file("${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/TutorialConfig.h.in""${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/TutorialConfig.h")# add the binary tree to the search pathforinclude files # so that we will find TutorialConfig.hinclude_directories("${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}")# add the executableadd_exec...
但是还有另外一种情况,如果是使用find_library查找到的静态库,比如: find_library(LIB_C c HINTS ${SEARCH_PATH}) 这时DEPENDS中就不用加上c,而${LIB_C}就是该库的路径了。 2 导入合并的静态库并使用 现在把合并的静态库导入,并在链接demo可执行程序时使用。 代码实现如下: add_library(merge STATIC IMPORT...
# add the MathFunctions library add_subdirectory(MathFunctions) # add the executable add_executable(Tutorial tutorial.cxx) target_link_libraries(Tutorial PUBLIC MathFunctions) # add the binary tree to the search path for include files # so that we will find TutorialConfig.h ...
# variable. Because CMake includes system librariesinthe search path by # default, you only need to specify the name of the public NDK library # you want to add. CMake verifies that the library exists before # completing its build. ...
LD_LIBRARY_PATH Set linker search path for build in CMake CUDA C++11 multi-line string add_custom_command pkg-config Python assembly / asm function Trouble shooting set_target_properties called with incorrect number of arguments. -I and -isystem different behaviour when compiling ...
~/soft/mxe_latest/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32.static.posix-cmake -DCMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/build/win64/lib .. CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND. Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake...