add_definitions(-DFOO -DBAR ...) Adds definitions to the compiler command line for targets in the current directory and below (whether added before or after this command is invoked). This command can be used to add any flags, but it is intended to add preprocessor definitions (see the a...
add_definitions(-DFOO -DBAR ...) 1. Adds definitions to the compiler command line for targets in the current directory and below (whether added before or after this command is invoked). This command can be used to add any flags, but it is intended to add preprocessor definitions (see t...
target_compile_definitions/add_definitions:宏定义 target_compile_options/add_compile_options:编译选项,通常用于修改编译器参数,需要搭配编译器一起使用 target_include_directories/include_directories:头文件查找路径 target_link_directories(3.13+)/link_directories:库文件查找路径 target_link_libraries(3.13+)/link_...
Adds preprocessor definitions to the compiler command line for targets in the current directory and below (whether added before or after this command is invoked). add_compile_definitions(OPENCV_VERSION=${OpenCV_VERSION})add_compile_definitions(WITH_OPENCV2) 给指定工程添加预编译宏 Specifies compile de...
add_library(common SHARED util.cpp) # 生成动态库或共享库 add_library 默认生成是静态库,通过以上命令生成文件名字 1.在Linux下是: demo libcommon.a 2.在 Windows 下是: demo.exe common.lib common.dll 4. 指定编译包含的源文件 ...
add_definitions(-DDEBUG_OUTPUT) endif() # 自定义宏:添加 MSVC 常用编译选项 macro(add_msvc_options target) if(MSVC) target_compile_options(${target} PRIVATE /W4 # 设置警告级别为 4 /WX # 将警告视为错误 /MP # 启用多处理器编译 /permissive- # 禁用不严格的语言 conformance ...
add_executable(demo demo.cpp) # 生成可执行文件 add_library(common STATIC util.cpp) # 生成静态库 add_library(common SHARED util.cpp) # 生成动态库或共享库 add_library 默认生成是静态库,通过以上命令生成文件名字 在Linux 下是: 复制 demo
取消由add_definitions命令添加的-D定义标志。 remove_definitions(-DFOO -DBAR ...) 在当前及以下的路径,从编译命令行中取消(由add_definitions命令添加的)标志。 CMD#64 return 从一个文件,路径或函数内返回。 return() 从一个文件,路径或函数中返回。若出现在一个include文件里(经由include()或find_package...
(For example, usetarget_compile_definitionsandtarget_include_directoriescommands to add compile definitions and include directories for a specific target.) 深层洞察:专注与细节 在为特定目标精心挑选和配置这些设置时,我们展现了对细节的专注。这种专注,就像爱因斯坦所说:“任何愚蠢的人都能懂得复杂性,但要理解深...
add_definitions Adds -D define flags to the compilation of source files. add_definitions(-DFOO -DBAR ...) Adds flags to the compiler command line for sources in the current directory and below. This command can be used to add any flags, but it was originally intended to add preprocessor...