In many cases, it is imperative that you use the R&S®CMA180 Radio Test Set in a secured environment. Generally these highly secured environments do not allow any test equipment to leave the area unless it can be proven that no user information ...
R&S®CMA180 Radio Test Set 上海伽桀测控,高性价比测试及应用解决方案服务商 13817180836 点击QQ在线咨询 地址:上海市嘉定区众仁路375号勇立大厦2号楼M8221室 简介 R&S®CMA180 是适用于在 100 kHz 至 3 GHz 范围内操作的无线电系统的无线电通信测试仪。 其技术完全基于数字信号处理及...