Friday, June 28, 2024 Estimados Clientes, El Grupo CMA CGM se complace en informar el próximo ingreso al puerto de Pisco con nuestro servicio AMERICAS XL, la nueva escala en Pisco es dedicada a Reefers para brindar una óptima cobertura a la Costa Este de EE. UU., USGULF, Caribe y ...
Monday, June 24, 2024 On March 13, 2024, CMA CGM Group announced the launch of SEA REWARD, an innovative loyalty program designed to redefine customer experience in the shipping industry. Through this initiative, CMA CGM Group aims to forge deeper connections with customers while providing them...
✓ The complete CMA Fest experience! BUY NOW ✓ Single night admission to Nissan Stadium ✓ Flexibility to attend single nights of the main stage Sign Up For Pre-Sale ✓ Single night admission to nighttime concert at the Stage at Ascend Amphitheater ...
"I passed Part One in June then proceeded to take part 2 in October. I just got my results and I passed Part Two. Thank you Nathan Liao and your awesome team for helping me through this process. At one point, I thought it would be absolutely impossible for me to complete this exam....
Article Open access 20 June 2023 Bispecific CAR T cell therapy targeting BCMA and CD19 in relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma: a phase I/II trial Article Open access 20 April 2024 Introduction While the introduction of numerous innovative therapies over the past two decades has improved outcome...
non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (B-NHL)摘要编号: S234Abstract code: S234环节名称:S432 侵袭性淋巴瘤 - CAR-TSession title: S432 Aggressive lymphoma - CAR-T环节地点:FesthalleSession location: Festhalle报告时间:欧洲中部夏令时间6月10日(星期六),下午4:30 – 5:45Presentation time: Saturday, June 10,...
2023年6月5日是第50个世界环境日。世界环境日是提高全球公民环保意识的绝佳时机。世界领先航运物流领军者达飞集团持续为保护地球而努力行动。 The world is celebrating the 50th World Environment Day on June 5th, the perfect opportunity to raise environmental awareness. CMA CGM keeps ACTING. ...
Presentation time:Saturday, June 10, 4:30 –5:45 PM CEST GC012F治疗RRMM临床数据的海报报告详情如下: 摘要标题:BCMA/CD19双靶点FasTCAR-T GC012F治疗复发/难治性多发性骨髓瘤(RRMM)患者的1期、开放性临床试验的最新研究结果 Abstract title: Updated results of a phase I, open-label study of BCMA...
CMA CGM’s results continued to retreat from the record levels posted during a post-COVID shipping boom that fuelled its acquisitions in port terminals, logistics and themedia. Second-quarter net profit halved to $661 million from $1.33 billion a year earlier. ...
摘要标题: CD19/BCMA双靶点FasTCAR-T GC012F治疗复发/难治性B细胞非霍奇金淋巴瘤(B-NHL)患者首次人体试验的最新研究结果Abstract title: Updated clinical results of first-in-human study of CD19/BCMA dual-targeting FasTCAR-T GC012F for patients with relapsed/refractory B-cell non-Hodgkin's ...