The average delay forCMA CGMvessels as measured by comparing each vessel’s actual arrival time to its schedule +7.65 Average Delay[as onMar 26 - 2025] No. of days delayed by8. LFeb 26 - 2025Mar 12 - 2025Mar 26 - 2025in the week of ...
As a result of the unbalance in current market conditions, and it order to preserve maximum service efficiency, CMA CGM is modifying its deployed fleet of vessels operating the LIBERTY BRIDGE service between North Europe and US East Coast. Updated CMA CGM vessel names and schedules are the follo...
Dear customers, Please find below schedules of vessels sailing in on weeks40,41,42. Week 40 from 03/10/2022 to 09/10/2022 • SERVICE NEFWI CMA CGM AMERICA 0DRFNN1MA Friday 07/10/2022 CMA CGM SAMBHAR 0DRFQS1MA Saturday 08/10/2022 • SERVICE LEEWARDS CEDRIC K 0LW60R1MA Saturday...
Led by Rodolphe Saadé, the CMA CGM Group is a world leader in shipping and logistics. Its 620 vessels serve more than 420 ports on five continents around the world and carried nearly 22 million TEUs (twenty-foot equivalent units) in 2023. ...
刚刚,CMA CGM箱船紧急绕航!? 美军空袭与胡塞反击再度引爆红海火药桶,达飞旗下一艘集装箱船突现异常绕航——是战火倒逼的避险之举,还是航运格局生变的冰山一角? 3月15日,美国总统特朗普宣布,他已下令对也门胡塞武装采取“果断而有力的军事行动”。也门胡塞武装说,也门首都萨那15日晚遭到5次空袭,造成至少9人死亡...
Use the CMA CGM App to search for specific vessel schedules, voyages, or use our routing finder. Directly plugged to the CMA CGM’s Information System, the App will provide information and optimized routing solutions from among more than 200 shipping lines and over 500 vessels calling 420 ports...
CMACGM JACQUESJUNIOR 风险等级*** Container ship, IMO 9722716 船舶图片 动态信息 更新时间2025-03-08 18:04:58 UTC+8 航速14.9 节 状态UNDERWAY USING ENGINE 纬度27°43.279'N 经度121°44.847'E 船艏向/航迹向210° / 211° 10 nm Leaflet| Licensed by © 未登录...
Live map Vessels Ports Lighthouses & AtoN Companies Stations Photo gallery Maritime news Fleet management Containers Register Login Plans & Pricing Data services Solutions Announcements Help center Pin menu CMA CGM AQUILA Container Ship IMO: 9410741 Add notes你须登录才能提交您的帮助请求。如果您还...
当地时间16日晚间,也门胡塞武装领导人阿卜杜勒·马利克·胡塞发表讲话称,将会把所有美国的军舰和船舶(US naval vessels and ships)作为胡塞武装的袭击目标,并指责美国的做法将海洋变为战场,影响国际航线的航行。 在今年1月19日八一双方停火第一阶段开始时,与胡塞武装结盟的人道主义行动协调中心曾暂时停止对商船的行动...
Live map Vessels Ports Lighthouses & AtoN Companies Stations Photo gallery Maritime news Fleet management Containers Register Login Plans & Pricing Data services Solutions Help center Pin menu CMA CGM MALTA Container Ship IMO: 9301433 Add notes你须登录才能提交您的帮助请求。如果您还没有Ma...