Sign up now ! All the pieces of information regarding your shipment(s) are now gathered in one single dashboard to ensure greater efficiency. Check out “My Shipment Dashboard” on our eBusiness platform.OurVISION Our Vision SUSTAINABILITY& innovation Sustainability & Innovation Join Us Join ...
You can track containerized shipments, including dry, refrigerated, and specialized cargo, using CMA CGM tracking. What are CMA CGM container prefixes? CMA CGM container prefixes include common identifiers like CMAU, AMCU, and DVRU, which help identify containers during tracking and logistics. ...
No more endless legal dispute: liable or not, CMA CGM will compensate you up to the full secured value No intermediary: you have one single point of contact CMA CGM A worldwide assistance: you will benefit from the full support of people who know best your shipment ...
如需了解通过转运港可到达的所有目的地,请查看达飞提供的所有服务或使用我们的Routing Finder。 Experience a full digital journey with CMA CGM! Discover our wide range of features, accessible 24/7 from anywhere, that will help you simplify your shipment management. With a web account, you can: Find...
CMA CGM Malaysia Sdn Bhd is headquarted in Kuala Lumpar, which is the main transhipment hub for CMA CGM group. For more information, please visit the local website a full digital journey with CMA CGM!
CMA CGM orders container trackers Shipping line orders additional “smart container” equipment from Traxens that allows shippers to monitor cargo. CMA CGM said it has ordered 50,000 Traxens trackers, increasing its offering of “...
法国航运巨头达飞轮船(CMA CGM)完成了从马士基航运公司收购巴西集装箱航运公司Mercosul line。 达飞轮船(CMA CGM)和马士基航运公司(Maersk Line)在今年6月宣布了这笔交易,这是马士基航运(Maersk Line)收购汉堡苏德(Hamburg Sud)的一部分,马士基在11月底完成了这一交易。
CMA CGM, a world leader in shipping and logistics, has been named “Best Global Shipping Line”at the 2021 Asian Freight, Logistics and Supply Chain Awards (AFLAS) held last evening in Hong Kong. The award celebrates CMA CGM’s achievements and excellence in glo...