Avoid contamination, through special container preparations, to make sure the quality of your cargo is maintained, irrespective of the shipment conditions.We offer the marketplace’s broadest container fleet. It complies with the ISO 1496 and 6346 standards and with the CSC (Convention for Safe Con...
(1) Efficiency of the dehumidification process is influenced by parameters as nature of cargo, container settings and environmental factors. CMA CGM+: bespoke services for shipping refrigerated cargos CLIMACTIVE controlled atmosphere To keep products fresh throughout shipping, CMA CGM uses this brand...
达飞轮船在公告中表示,根据其在2026年前使CMA CGM AIR CARGO成为拥有12架飞机的法国航空货运公司的承诺,该集团于2022年6月1日从法国民航局(DGAC)获得了航空运营商证书(AOC)。 Following the delivery of two Boeing 777Fs, CMA CGM AIR CARGO began operating in early June 2022 from its new base at Paris ...
Newbuild containership CMA CGM Volga entered the CMA CGM fleet on March 17, and began her first rotation in Dalian, China, on March 20, the CMA CGM Group announced. The 10,622 TEUs vessel is the eight of a series of 28 ships from 9,400-10,900 TEUs that will be delivered through t...
The article reports on the move of CMA CGM to use bamboo flooring on its containers instead of traditional apitong wood in 2006. The move was made out of concern for the environment. The increasing rarity of traditional apitong wood in Southeast Asia is cited. However, bamboo flooring has ...
CMA CGM & OM ·达飞与马赛奥林匹克足球俱乐部(简称马赛俱乐部)合作伙伴关系正式开启,达飞成为该俱乐部2个赛季的主赞助商。 Kick-off of the partnership between Olympique de Marseille and CMA CGM, the club’s main sponsor for two seasons. ·伙伴关系彰显马赛精神,体现了追求卓越、全力以赴和团结协作的体...
紧随马士基和中远海运,CMA CGM开始行动! 在马士基和中远海运相继宣布将改造旗下部分集装箱船舶以使用甲醇燃料后,达飞轮船CMA CGM开始和北海造船合作对旗下部分船舶进行甲醇双燃料改装。 北海造船官方消息,1月30日,中国船舶集团青岛北海造船有限公司与全球航运巨头达飞集团在北海造船举行了集装箱船甲醇双燃料改装项目的...
姓名 CMA CGM EIFFEL 旗帜 Malta IMO号 9248112 MMSI 248455000 呼叫编号 9HA4658 AIS transponder class Class A General vessel type Cargo - Hazard D (Recognizable) Detailed vessel type Container Ship 服务状态 Upgrade to unlock 船籍港 Upgrade to unlock 建造年份 Upgrade to unlock Notes L...
姓名 CMA CGM QUELIMANE 旗帜 Malta IMO号 9367839 MMSI 229914000 呼叫编号 9HA5633 AIS transponder class Class A General vessel type Cargo Detailed vessel type Container Ship 服务状态 Upgrade to unlock 船籍港 Upgrade to unlock 建造年份 Upgrade to unlock Latest AIS information Navigational status...
CMA CGM, a leading worldwide shipping Group, operates a fleet in excess of 2,400,000 TEUs. SAFETY AND RELIABILITY ABOVE ALL Almost any cargo is viable to be carried in our containers. Whether the goods are loaded in bulk, bags, or cartons in standard containers, or out of gauge goods ...