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CMA CGM Mobile App: new design, new features Track your container shipments, learn about vessel and voyage schedules, get routing information, and read the latest CMA CGM news on this revamped app available in 5 languages. Download the app ...
At CMA CGM, performance means unwavering commitment. As a global player in sea, land, air and logistics solution, we develop Better Ways for our customers while pursuing our mission: to develop fairer and more balanced economic exchanges that respect every human being and the planet. ...
CMA CGM的全称是法国达飞汽船公司(CMA CGM S.A.),它是全球领先的航运与物流集团之一,总部位于法国马赛。以下从公司名称来源
Experience a full digital journey with CMA CGM! Discover our wide range of features, accessible 24/7 from anywhere, that will help you simplify your shipment management. With a web account, you can: Find a Route, Get Prices, Organize Shipments, ...
在全球航运市场充满不确定性的背景下,CMA CGM达飞轮船通过灵活的经营策略和积极的投资,展现出稳健的增长和强劲的盈利能力。 延伸阅读: CMA CGM与马士基2024年第三季度财务对比分析 整体(Group)财务业绩对比 营收:CMA CGM在2024年第三季度的营收为158亿美元,同比增长38.5%;马士基的营收则为157.62亿美元,同比增长30%。
BETTER WAYS: THE CMA CGM GROUP STRATEGIC VISION The mission of the CMA CGM Group, as a leader in transport and logistics, is to develop fair and more balanced economic exchanges, respectful of every human being and of the planet. — Rodolphe Saadé, Chairman and CEO of the CMA CGM Group...
CMA CGM可能在船队规模以及物流业务营收方面全面超过马士基。 图片来源:Lappino 近日,达飞集团(CMA CGM Group)公布了其2023年第一季度财务报告。报告期内,达飞集团实现总营业收入127.2亿美元,同比减少30.2%;息税折旧摊销前利润(EBITDA)34.4亿美元,同比下降61.3%;集团净利润由去年同期的72亿美元减少至20.1亿美元,同比...
近日,全球知名的航运巨头达飞海运集团(CMA CGM)宣布了一项重大战略计划,旨在通过与六家亚洲区域内的航运公司组成联盟,共同开辟新的航运网络,以进一步巩固其在亚洲市场的地位。据货运全球网 数据显示,达飞简介:达飞船公司(CMA CGM),即法国达飞海运集团,是全球领先的航运公司之一。自1999年收购法国国有海运公司...