Seaga CM1250 Change Machine Professional quality bill changer in a compact size! Holds 1,000 Quarters for longer service, option also available with Tokens. Abundant $250 hopper style changer dispenses quarters for $1 and $5 bills. Can be set to change $10 and $20 bills also. The LED re...
Change Machines BROCHUREGET YOURS TODAY! Overview CM1250 The CM1250 by Seaga is a sturdily built hopper style bill change machine that accepts US $1, $5, $10 and $20 and offers a change in US Quarters. Other currencies are available and any location can benefit, and increase sales, with...
YourChangeMakerisdesignedtooperatesimplyandreliably,buttotakefulladvantageofyourvendor,pleasereadthisowner’s manualthoroughly.Itcontainsimportantinformationregardinginstallationandoperations,aswellasabrieftrouble-shootingguide. EQUIPMENTINSPECTION Afteryouhavereceivedyourmachineandhaveitoutofthebox,placeitonasecuresurface...