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CM-Connect 4+ AMI Global 專為iPad 設計 免費 螢幕截圖 iPad iPhone 描述 Remote monitoring and real-time access to Alfa Laval CM devices. Obtain full insight into how well the system is performing, if it is ready for operation. Easy access to digital data for testing, troubleshooting,...
CM Connect is an integrated, best-in-class SaaS solution that makes it easy for you to manage your program’s data, tools, and workflows when it’s convenient for you – in real time – any time, all in a single application.
Is CM Connect the Right Solution for You? CM Connect is an integrated, best-in-class SaaS solution that makes it easy for you to manage your program’s data, tools, and workflows when it’s convenient for you – in real time – any time, all in a single application. What can CM Co...
CM Connect is an integrated, best-in-class SaaS solution that makes it easy for you to manage your program’s data, tools, and workflows when it’s convenient for you – in real time – any time, all in a single application.What can CM Connect Do for You?
CM_Connect_Machine函数创建与远程计算机的连接。 语法 C++复制 CMAPI CONFIGRETCM_Connect_MachineA( [in, optional] PCSTR UNCServerName, [out] PHMACHINE phMachine ); 参数 [in, optional] UNCServerName 调用方提供的指针指向表示要建立连接的系统的 UNC 名称(包括\前缀)的文本字符串。 如果指针为NULL,则使...
CM_Connect_Machine函式會建立與遠端電腦的連線。 語法 C++ 複製 CMAPI CONFIGRET CM_Connect_MachineA( [in, optional] PCSTR UNCServerName, [out] PHMACHINE phMachine ); 參數 [in, optional] UNCServerName 呼叫端提供的文字字串指標,代表將建立連接之系統的 UNC 名稱,包括 \ 前置詞。 如果指標為 Null...
CM_Connect_MachineA function CM_Connect_MachineW function CM_Create_DevNode_ExA function CM_Create_DevNode_ExW function CM_Create_DevNodeA function CM_Create_DevNodeW function CM_Create_Range_List function CM_Delete_Class_Key function CM_Delete_Class_Key_Ex function CM_Delete_Device_Interface_Key...
通过uMAD,应用程序可以直接与InfiniBand网络进行交互,执行各种管理任务 RDMACM(RDMA Connection Manager): RDMACM是一个库,用于管理RDMA连接的建立、维护和关闭。它提供了一组函数,使应用程序能够发现和连接远程节点,并在需要时建立RDMA连接。RDMACM简化了RDMA连接的管理过程,使应用程序可以更方便地使用RDMA功能...
Expand DownExpand Up@@ -1738,6 +1745,8 @@ int rdma_connect(struct rdma_cm_id *id, struct rdma_conn_param *conn_param) ucma_copy_conn_param_to_kern(id_priv,&cmd.conn_param,conn_param, qp_num,srq); ucma_copy_ece_param_to_kern_req(id_priv,&cmd.ece); ...