一质点在X轴上作简谐振动,振幅A=4cm,周期T=2s,其平衡位置取作坐标原点,若t=0时刻质点第一次通过x=-2cm处,且向x轴正方向运动,则质点第二次通过x=-2cm处的时刻为( )。 答案 有用 无用 C 解析 因为由题意可知:振动方程为:y=4cos(πx-2/3π) 而第一次经过x=-2时的时间为:...
【题目】Exercise 11(5,1/4,4) |BC|=10cm H_2S+Cu^(2+)=H_2O 0≤l≤2Ω ∴AB=AF 23 72∴3c^2=2 li=1t
This paper gives an introduction to autonomous (possibly unmanned) commercial shipping. The aim of the paper is to give insight into the state of the art of autonomous technologies. It is intended as a rational foundation for speculations on the chances for and nature of future autonomous shippin...
巴黎奥运会乒乓球比赛后,朝鲜球员与韩国球员擦肩而过,没有对视,也没有交流。 关注 「拂晓开箱」OPPO Find N5:现场开箱 义乌老板娘用“DeepSeek+AI”做跨国生意:只需要对着镜头说12345,就能生成几十种语言的视频,10分钟内搞定
PROCEEDINGS OF THE SYMPOSIUM ON THE RENIN-ANGIOTENSIN SYSTEM - BIOCHEMISTRY, PHARMACOLOGY, CLINICAL ASPECTS, HEIDELBERG-ACADEMY-OF-SCIENCES, MARCH 6-8, 198... The renin angiotensin system is an important system for the regulation of blood pressure and salt and water homeostasis. As a pathogenetic ...
The present invention safe and comfortable to use and to provide a cushion that can kneeling and sitting of the two-way. A has the first cushion body 20 second cushion body 30. The first cushion member 20, a first elastic cushion 203 includes a first covering 201 used for storage of the...
摘要: 老鼠具有极强的适应能力,从来不需要人类的保护。当它的天性与人类的利益发生冲突时.还曾受到人类的强力打压。熊猫具有极高的观赏价值与研究价值,早就被列为国宝,受到了人类无微不至的呵护。关键词:老鼠 熊猫 观赏价值 适应能力 人类 年份: 2018
Method of reading to read and reproduce informa\u00c7\u00e7o, half \u00e0ptico of grava\u00c7\u00e7o and method to produce a kind of grava\u00c7\u00e7o \u00e0ptico.The present invention relates to a reading device which suppresses the deterioration of recording marks caused by increasing ...