Convert Kilogram Force Per Square Centimeter to Millimeter Of Mercury (kgf/cm2 in mmHg). Kilogram Force Per Square Centimeter and Millimeter Of Mercury both are the units of PRESSURE. See the charts and tables conversion here!
Conversion of 13 kgf/cm2 to other pressure units 13 kgf/cm2 = 12.6 atm 13 kgf/cm2 = 12.7 bars 13 kgf/cm2 = 130000 kgf/m2 13 kgf/cm2 = 1270 kPa 13 kgf/cm2 = 0.185 ksi 13 kgf/cm2 = 26600 lbf/ft2 13 kgf/cm2 = 12700 mbar 13 kgf/cm2 = 9560 mmHg 13 kgf/cm2 = 127486...
Conversion of 14.1 kgf/cm2 to other pressure units 14.1 kgf/cm2 = 13.6 atm 14.1 kgf/cm2 = 13.8 bars 14.1 kgf/cm2 = 141000 kgf/m2 14.1 kgf/cm2 = 1380 kPa 14.1 kgf/cm2 = 0.201 ksi 14.1 kgf/cm2 = 28900 lbf/ft2 14.1 kgf/cm2 = 13800 mbar 14.1 kgf/cm2 = 10400 mmHg 14.1 kg...
cm Hg to ton/square foot cm Hg to barad cm Hg to kilopond/square meterDefinition: Millimeter of mercuryThe torr (symbol: Torr) or millimetre of mercury (mmHg) is a non-SI unit of pressure. It is the atmospheric pressure that supports a column of mercury 1 millimetre high. The unit is...
These pressure sensors will measure from 0 to 1 bar, 0 to 15 pounds per square inch, 0 to 1 kilogram per square centimetre, or 0 to 100 kilopascals pressure ranges, and convert the measured pressure to a corresponding output signal from 4 to 20 milliamps. Minus 750-0 mmHg gauge suction...
1 Centimeter Of Water to common pressure units 1 cmH2o = 98.0665 pascals (Pa) 1 cmH2o = 0.00096784110535406 atmosphere atm standard (atm) 1 cmH2o = 0.73556127270818 millimeter of mercury (mmHg) 1 cmH2o = 0.000980665 bars (bar) 1 cmH2o = 0.73555924007489 torrs (Torr) 1 cmH2o = 1.4223343307...
0.000750062mmHg 0°C (32°F) 0.0000750062cmHg 0°C (32°F) 0.0000295300inHg 0°C (32°F) 0.000750062Torr 0.750062mTorr 0.000000986923atm 0.00000101972at 1 dyn/cm² 0.000232060oz/in² 0.750062µHg 0°C (32°F) 0.00000000647490tsi (uk, long) ...
压力换算 1 毫巴(mbar)=105帕(Pa) 1达因/厘米2(dyn/cm2)=0.1帕(Pa) 1托(Torr)=133.322帕(Pa) 1 毫米汞柱( mmHg)=133.322帕(Pa) 1毫米水柱(mmH2O)=9.80665帕(Pa) 工程大气压=98.0665 千帕 2021-09-14 15:08 News WIKI 相关搜索 解读静音无油空压机参数 要想静音无油空压机工作性能持续稳定,除了...
参考答案: 1atm = 1.0332Kgf/cm² = 760mmHg = 1.01325bar = 1.0332×10⁴mmH₂O(4°C) = 1.01325×10⁵Pa。 复制 纠错举一反三 下面例句中的隐喻翻译运用了何种技巧?原文: ①山積する国家的な危機に、政権②発足からほぼ4か月経った今も、日々③格闘しています。(平成25年4月19日 安倍...
Q吸=cm(t-to)Q放=cm(to-t) c表示比热容. m表示物体的质量 to表示物体的初温 t表示物体的末温 注释:【1 atm = 1 标准大气压=1.01×105Pa 1 atm=760 mmHg=1.01325×10ˇ5 pa≈0.1 Mpa=1 Kgf/cm2】 空气在不同压力和温度下的比热容比