When you have limited desk space or simply want to streamline your system as much as possible, knock those numbers off your keyboard and go light with an 80% layout. Retaining all of the vital functions and loaded with Cherry MX Green mechanical switches, the CM Storm QuickFire Rapid Keyboa...
Shop popular Cm Storm Keyboard Working chosen by Drop communities. Join Drop to discover the latest details on Drop ALT Keyboard Soft Carry Case, Drop +...
CM Storm's latest keyboard dubbed the Trigger is put to the test to see how it performs, compared to recent offerings from QPAD and Zowie. The Trigger features an ingenious lighting system and has quite a few tricks up its sleeves.
键盘防冲突功能笔者采用了“passmark keyboardtest”与“AresonMouseTestProgram”两款软件进行反复测试,因此数据更加精准有效。在测试中,CMSTORM quick fire rapid键盘在PS2模式下达到了全键无冲突。 在实际使用中,CMSTORM quick fire rapid键盘手感一般,当然相比几十元的薄膜键盘有着质...
CM Storm Quick Fire TK Mechanical Gaming Keyboard 機械式電競鍵盤 型號: SGK-4020-GKCC1-US SGK-4020-GKCR1-US SGK-4020-GKCM1-US SGK-4020-GKCL1-US SGK-4040-GKCG1-US SGK-4020-GKCR1-TC SGK-4020-GKCC1-TC SGK-4020-GKCM1-TC SGK-4020-GKCL1-TC SGK-4020-GKCG1-TC 感謝您購買 CM Storm ...
Just over a month after launching the CM Storm QuickFire XT mechanical keyboard, Cooler Master has introduced the CM Storm QuickFire Ultimate, dubbed as the most potent and complete gaming oriented mechanical keyboard in the QuickFire series. It's currently up for grabs now over on Amazon for...
Cooler Master的電競周邊品牌CM Storm今年推出了很多評價相當不錯的產品,還找了知名電競主播立蓁擔任品牌大使,更舉辦一日店長的活動,讓品牌的知名度又更為提升,也看得出來CM Storm的努力進步,今年CM...
The end of the packaging houses the typical CM Storm Tactics. Strength, Security, and Control is what makes CM Storm products unique. 44 The back of the box is topped with text, but near the bottom there is a look at the back of the keyboard in this image showing off the ...
日本亚马逊 CM Storm QuickFire XT - Full Size Mechanical Gaming Keyboard with CHERRY MX Blue Switches (Size:Full Size ) by Cooler Master [並行輸入品]历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名CM Storm QuickFire XT - Full Size Mechanical Gaming Keyboard with CHERRY MX
CM Storm Trigger Mechanical Keyboard 青軸 : HK$1160 查詢: Microworks (2950 0175) CM Storm 繼旗下機械鍵盤Quick Fire之後再度推出新作Trigger 「狙擊槍」機械鍵盤,採用狙擊槍的外形為設計主題,配合最高規格的德國 Cherry鍍金軸,不僅手感十足,同時擁有 5 千萬次的超耐久按鍵壽命,並設有 18 個多媒體功能鍵及特...