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Remove-CMClientCertificatePfx [-CertificateProfilePfx <IResultObject>] [-Force] [-Thumbprint <String>] -UserName <String> [-DisableWildcardHandling] [-ForceWildcardHandling] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]DescriptionRemove-CMClientCertificatePFX quita un certificado de intercambio de inform...
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Invoke-CMPromotePreProductionClient Invoke-CMQuery Invoke-CMRemoteControl Invoke-CMReport Invoke-CMScript Invoke-CMSecondarySiteUpgrade Invoke-CMSitePromotePreproductionClient Invoke-CMSiteUpdateCheck Invoke-CMSiteUpdateDownload Invoke-CMSiteUpdatePrerequisiteCheck Invoke-CMSoftwareUpdateAutoDeploymentRule Invoke-CM...
However, if the user's device list contains a software device or a desk phone device, the client lets users add, edit, and delete remote destinations. true—Users can add, edit, and delete remote destinations. false (default)—Users...
Connect to the TFTP server to download client configuration files. 6972 HTTPS TCP Connects to the TFTP server to download client configuration files securely for Cisco Unified Communications Manager. 8443 HTTPS TCP Traffic to Cisco Unified Communicati...
Ad Network: Setup your own ad system for your networks of blogs with the CM Ad Manager. In this case you would use theAd Manager Serveron your main ad site to create your ad campaigns, manage your network and track aggregated statistics. Then install theAd Manager Remote Clienton each of ...
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