Simulation software for vehicles, robotics & defense. Heavy equipment operator training simulators for ports & construction equipment.
Uther, W., Lenser, S., Bruce, J., Hock, M., Veloso, M. (2002). CM-Pack’01: Fast Legged Robot Walking, Robust Localization, and Team Behaviors. In: Birk, A., Coradeschi, S., Tadokoro, S. (eds) RoboCup 2001: Robot Soccer World Cup V. RoboCup 2001. Lecture Notes in Computer...
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科学家们并不完全清楚阴茎的平均长度,但他们认为可能在13到14厘米(5.1到5.5英寸)之间。这比大多数人认为的要小。 许多人对自己的阴茎是否足够大以及是否能满足性伴侣感到焦虑。这会影响一个人的自信心和自我形象。 然而,这种恐惧往往是没...
Download Data Sheet EN Share 01_01 | 2001-12-04 | pdf | 100 KB 指标参数 ParametricsIRF5Y540CM Configuration Discrete Download Model ID (@2...
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Download: Download full-size image Fig. 2. The framework of SCMABA: SCMABA consists of two phases, exploration and exploitation. During the exploration phase, since the quality of the workers is unknown, the mechanism needs to perform an initial assessment of the workers, meaning that the mech...