$phase1 = New-CMSoftwareUpdatePhase -CollectionId "SMSDM001" -PhaseName "test01" -UserNotificationOption DisplaySoftwareCenterOnly $phase2 = New-CMSoftwareUpdatePhase -CollectionId "SMSDM003" -PhaseName "test02" -UserNotificationOption DisplaySoftwareCenterOnly New-CMSoftwareUpdateManualPhasedDeployment...
Der zweite Befehl ruft die Verteilungspunktrolle für SiteServer01.Contoso.com ab und speichert sie in der variablen $DistributionPoint . Der dritte Befehl ruft die Verwaltungspunktrolle für SiteServer02.Contoso.com ab und speichert sie in der variablen $ManagementPoint . Der letzte Befehl erstellt...
Loader for Championship Manager 01/02 Downloads https://github.com/nckstwrt/CM0102Loader/releases Description CM0102Loader is an .exe file you put in the same directory as your CM0102.exe (only guaranteed to work with a clean 3.9.68 version - as of v1.7 it will load Saturn/Tapani exes...
Dongle firmware version required:0164 2025-02-06Infinity CM2SP3 v2.35 - [diag] issue fixed for number of models - minor gui changes Dongle firmware version required:0164 2025-02-04Infinity CM2SP3 v2.34 MANY NEW MODELS SUPPORTED MANY NEW LOADER FILES AVAILABLE MANY NEW FUNCTIONS RELEASED More ...
New-CMDuplicateHardwareIdMacAddress -MacAddress '01:02:03:04:05:E0'参数-Confirm提示你在运行 cmdlet 之前进行确认。 展开表 类型: SwitchParameter 别名: cf Position: Named 默认值: None 必需: False 接受管道输入: False 接受通配符: False-
PS XYZ:\>Add-CMMobileMsiDeploymentType -ApplicationName "TestMobile" -ContentLocation "\\Server01\Resources\Applications\MSI\32BitSDK\32BitCompat.msi" -DeploymentTypeName "DTMobile" -AddLanguage "en-US","zh-CN" -Comment "Mobile test"This...
1m 08cm (43") N5470 Smart FHD TV. Solutions & Tips, Download Manual, Contact Us. Samsung Support India
The blueprint for the hydrogen economy has been imagined that intermittent electric energy is used to drive water electrolysis for hydrogen production to be subsequently combusted in an engine or transformed into serviceable electricity in a fuel cell [1,2,3]. As an important part of the hydroge...
# yum localinstall http://li.nux.ro/download/nux/dextop/el$(rpm -E %rhel)/x86_64/nux-dextop-release-0-2.el$(rpm -E %rhel).nux.noarch.rpm http://download1.rpmfusion.org/nonfree/el/updates/$(rpm -E %rhel)/x86_64/rpmfusion-nonfree-release-$(rpm -E %rhel)-1.noarch.rpm http...
80.1 cm UHD 4K Monitor with Slim Bezels, AMD FreeSync and Game mode. Solutions & Tips, Download Manual, Contact Us. Samsung Support India