-DownloadFromMicrosoftUpdate指出如果慣用發佈點或遠端發佈點上無法使用軟體更新,計算機是否要從 Microsoft Update 下載內容。 展開資料表 類型: Boolean Position: Named 預設值: None 必要: False 接受管線輸入: False 接受萬用字元: False-Enable指出是否已啟用維護計劃。 展開資料表 類型: Boolean 別名: Enabled...
PS XYZ:\> Set-CMAlertSubscription -Name "Subscription01" -NewName "Subscription02" -EmailAddress "elisa.daugherty@contoso.com" -LocaleId 2057 -AlertIds 16777240此命令更改名为 Subscription01 的警报订阅的名称、电子邮件地址、Windows 区域设置 ID 和警报 ID。示例...
Export-CMDriverPackage -Name "DrvPkg01" -ExportFilePath "\\Contoso02\DriverPackages\DriverPackage01.zip"參數-Comment指定選擇性的系統管理員批注。 此批注會顯示在 [匯入驅動程式套件精靈] 中。 展開表格 類型: String 別名: Comments Position: Named 預設值: None 必要: False 接受管線輸入: False 接受...
HandsfreeOnly -Infra $False -Browser $False -StorageCardEncrypt $False -FileEncrypt $False -TextMessage $False PS XYZ:\> $As= New-CMExchangeConnectorApplicationSetting -UnsignedInstall $True -UnsignedApplication $False -BlockedApplication "App01","App02" PS XYZ:\> Set-CMExchangeServer -Site...
Loader for Championship Manager 01/02 Downloads https://github.com/nckstwrt/CM0102Loader/releases Description CM0102Loader is an .exe file you put in the same directory as your CM0102.exe (only guaranteed to work with a clean 3.9.68 version - as of v1.7 it will load Saturn/Tapani exes...
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The blueprint for the hydrogen economy has been imagined that intermittent electric energy is used to drive water electrolysis for hydrogen production to be subsequently combusted in an engine or transformed into serviceable electricity in a fuel cell [1,2,3]. As an important part of the hydroge...
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