英文学名:Alocasia clypeolata 中文名:盾牌海芋 光照:明亮散射光 湿度:60-80 最低生存温度:15 适宜生长温度:18-28 简介 盾牌海芋(Alocasia clypeolata)盾牌海芋,产自菲律宾群岛的野生物种,有标准的盾形叶经常形成较大的聚群,在人工栽培时也常成片地栽。叶主脉附近颜色较深,多为绿色。栽培条件好时很容易出现侧...
照片 关于 蜜蜂在阳光明媚的日子里采集来自Achillea clypoelata的蜂蜜和花粉. 图片 包括有 通配, 收集, 草甸 - 177247723
The aerial parts of Achillea clypeolata aorded, in addition to clypeotriol (5), four new polyoxigenated sesquiterpenoids of eudesmane and cyperane type. The structures were established on the basis of their spectral properties as 7a-hydroxycarisson (1), 7a-hydroxyisopterocarpolone (2), 3a...
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clypeotriolguaianolidesA new sesquiterpene alcohol named clypeotriol and characterised as eudesm-4(15)-en-3α,7α, 11-triol was isolated from Achillea clypeolata collected in south-western Bulgaria. Populations of the same taxon growing in the eastern regions of Bulgaria afforded only ...
Achillea clypeolataSesquiterpenesPhenolic CompoundsThe investigation of a dichloromethane extract of flower heads of Achillea clypeolata collected in Bulgaria led to the isolation of one guaiane (4,10,11-trihydroxy-guaiane, 1), four eudesmanes (4(15)-eudesmene-1尾 ,11-diol, 2, clypeotriol, ...
Achillea clypeolataAsteraceaeSesquiterpenoidsThe aerial parts of Achillea clypeolata afforded, in addition to clypeotriol (5), four new polyoxigenated sesquiterpenoids of eudesmane and cyperane type. The structures were established on the basis of their spectral properties as 7 alpha -hydroxycarisson...
Todorova, M.N., Tsankova, E.T., 1999. New sesquiterpenoids from Achillea clypeolata. Phytochemistry 52, 1515-1518.Todorova MN,Tsankova ET.New sesquiterpenoids from Achillea clypeolata.Phytochemistry. 1999Todorova M. and Tzankova E. New sesquiterpenoids from Achillea clypeolata. Phytochemistry....
黄色欧蓍草, Achillea, clypeolata, 淡黄的欧蓍草 黄莎“金盘”花上常见蓝蝴蝶 关闭红色Quamoclit pennata和黄色欧蓍草花 黄色圆顶圆顶圆顶蝴蝶 黄杨花丛 更多库存图片Hikersmurf。 图集 Related categories 自然细节 自然花朵园艺 自然草原 Browse categories
ACHILLEA CLYPEOLATA, diterpenos, racine, structure chimique, raices, composicion quimica, roots, estructura quimica, diterpenoide, diterpenoids, achillea, chemical structure, chemical composition, compositae, ASTERACEAE, composition chimiqueThe isolation of 16 alpha,17-epoxy-ent-kaurane (a known compound)...