网络楯形目;盾形目;二名法 网络释义
物种字典: 盾形目-Clypeasteroida 图片上传自又耳 名称 学名:Clypeasteroida 中文名:盾形目 分类路径 棘皮动物门>海胆纲 物种图片 下级物种 豆海胆科 Fibulariidae
简介 Clypeasteroida/盾形目也常叫作楯海胆目。 暂未整理资料。 催更 排行榜 中文学名 图文简略 盾形目内类别[已收录1种]Clypeasteroida 盾形目 楯海胆目Clypeasterina 盾形亚目Clypeasteridae 盾海胆科 1. 盾形亚目 1. 盾海胆科 [1] 鱼友评论...
1.Any of various thin circular echinoderms of the order Clypeasteroida, especiallyEchinarachnius parma,of coastal northern Atlantic and Pacific waters, having a covering of short movable spines. 2.The disklike internal skeleton of a sand dollar, having five radially symmetric oblong markings and ...
ClypeasteroidaThe name originally given by Louis Agassiz in 1835 to a natural (monophyletic) group of echinoids (s…doi:10.11646/zootaxa.3857.4.3MOOI RICHKROH ANDREASSRIVASTAVA DINESH K.Zootaxa
Non-respiratory podia of clypeasteroids (Echinodermata, Echinoides): II. Diversity There are five major types of non-respiratory podia in the Order Clypeasteroida: accessory, barrel-tipped, food groove, large food groove, and buccal. The anatomy of each type is intimately related to its ...
Outgroup: "regular" and nonclypeasteroid irregular sea urchin taxa there is no evidence that Gregory's diverticulum exists in any sea urchin clade other than among the clypeasteroids. This very likely also holds true for the putative sister group to the Clypeasteroida, the miniaturized f...
Louis G. ZachosDepartment of Paleobiology MRC-121 National Museum of Natural HistoryTexas Journal of ScienceZachos, L. G. 2009. The sand dollar Periarchus lyelli (Ech- inoidea: Clypeasteroida: Scutelliformes) in the Caddell Fromation (Upper Eocene) of Texas. Texas Journal of Science. V....
A new species of Leodia (Clypeasteroida: Echinoidea) from the Neogene of Venezuela and its importance in the phylogeny of mellitid sand dollars. Journal of Paleontology 74: 1083 – 1092 .Peterson, D. (2000): A new species of Leodia (Clypeasteroida: Echinoidea) from the Neogene of ...
ClypeasteroidaEchinodermataMitogenomePhylogenyMorphologic and molecular data often lead to different hypotheses of phylogenetic relationships. This is also true in the echinoderm class Echinoidea. In particular, the phylogenetic status of the order Clypeasteroida is not well resolved. Complete mitochondrial...