cosmetics & medical products Electronics & semiconductors Banks & credit institutions Internet, software & IT services Mechanical engineering & industrial equipment Vehicles Electrical devices & components Building industry & materials Traffic & transportation Real Estate Miscellaneous services Tobacco & alcohol ...
Geographical Breakdown as a % of net assets Germany Netherlands Finland Spain Total Economic Breakdown as a % of net assets Chemicals Electronics & semiconductors Mechanical engineering & industrial equipment Vehicles Energy & water supply Graphic design, publishing & media Pharmaceuticals, cosmetics & ...
It engages in the sale of packaged group tour services; and provides health care, personal care, cosmetics, maternal and child, pet-related, universal cuisine and household products, and pre-owned electric cars through online and offline platforms. The company also offers...
It engages in the sale of packaged group tour services; and provides health care, personal care, cosmetics, maternal and child, pet-related, universal cuisine and household products, and pre-owned electric cars through online and offline platforms. The company also...
导读:圣诞节的来临,意味着一场又一场的圣诞PARTY亦即将举行。想要在漆黑中成为众人的主角?一个闪亮耀目的妆容必不可少。要画出一个出色妆容怎么能少了 M.A.C 的帮助? M.A.C 2015圣诞礼盒系列 圣诞节的来临,意味着一场又一场的圣诞PARTY亦即将举行。想要在漆黑中成为众人的主角?一个闪亮耀目的妆容必不可...
导读:英国知名唱作型女歌手埃利·古尔丁(Elie Goulding)携手知名彩妆 M.A.C 推出节日彩妆系列,预计于年底正式面世。 埃利·古尔丁携手 M.A.C 推出节日彩妆系列 据国外时尚博客网站报道,英国知名唱作型女歌手埃利·古尔丁(Elie Goulding)携手知名彩妆 M.A.C 推出节日彩妆系列,预计于年底正式面世。