Roughly how long will indexing take? Can the database be used during the indexing? For information - we have no space left to add more devices (eg external disk) - all vdevno numbers have been used (checked sp_helpdevice command)Sort by date Sort by votes Jan 9, 2007 #2 MadHatter...
One of the most important features that makes DBMS a better choice over a traditional file system is fast retrieval of data, which is facilitated by indexes. In a relational database every table can have at most one clustered index and many non-clustered index. Though it facilitates fast ...
Clustered keys now, I'll have to disagree. Platform independence is the holy grail I think, and seldom reached. Clustered keys are a MAJOR part of SQL, to not use them...I just don't see that. In your example, I'd look for a better column to use first - often a date column, ...
One rumor I have heard is that all DBMS's do not implement primary keys in the same fashion and because of that, if you wanted to create a cross platform, cross application database application, you could not use primary keys, but instead would need to put a unique constraint on the...