1. 什么是聚合索引(clustered index) / 什么是非聚合索引(nonclustered index)? 2. 聚合索引和非聚合索引有什么区别? 深入浅出理解索引结构 实际上,您可以把索引理解为一种特殊的目录。微软的SQL SERVER提供了两种索引:聚集索引(clustered index,也称聚类索引、簇集索引)和非聚集索引(nonclustered index,也称非聚类...
实际上,您可以把索引理解为一种特殊的目录。微软的SQL SERVER提供了两种索引:聚集索引(clustered index,也称聚类索引、簇集索引)和非聚集索引(nonclustered index,也称非聚类索引、非簇集索引)。下面,我们举例来说明一下聚集索引和非聚集索引的区别: 其实,我们的汉语字典的正文本身就是一个聚集索引。比如,我们要查"...
When you try to enforce a PRIMARY KEY constraint on an existing table and a clustered index already exists on that table, SQL Server enforces the primary key using a nonclustered index.For more information, see Create primary keys and Create unique constraints....
1. 什么是聚合索引(clustered index) / 什么是非聚合索引(nonclustered index)? 可以把索引理解为一种特殊的目录。微软的SQL SERVER提供了两种索引:聚集索引(clustered index,也称聚类索引、簇集索引)和非聚集索引(nonclustered index,也称非聚类索引、非簇集索引)。下面,我们举例来说明一下聚集索引和非聚集索引的区...
1. 什么是聚合索引(clustered index) / 什么是非聚合索引(nonclustered index)? 2. 聚合索引和非聚合索引有什么区别? 深入浅出理解索引结构 实际上,您可以把索引理解为一种特殊的目录。微软的SQL SERVER提供了两种索引:聚集索引(clustered index,也称聚类索引、簇集索引)和非聚集索引(nonclustered index,也称非聚类...
clustered index 聚集索引,这类索引是在数据存在一起的。non-clustered 非聚集索引,这类索引是通过找聚集索引来找数据的。两个索引的非叶子节点都是B+或是二叉树之类的,能快速查找的结构。
这里因为是建了聚集索引,表数据存储在索引的叶子节点,所以应用的clustered index scan,读取的行数还是100W,所有实际执行的行数为1行。 非聚集索引下WHERE查询 --在NAME字段上建立非聚集索引。 CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX IX_EMP_NAME ON EMPLOYEES(NAME)
PRIMARY KEY and UNIQUE constraints When you create a PRIMARY KEY constraint, a unique clustered index on the column or columns is automatically created if a clustered index on the table doesn't already exist and you don't specify a unique nonclustered index. The primary key column can't ...
Nonclustered indexes have a structure separate from the data rows. A nonclustered index contains the nonclustered index key values and each key value entry has a pointer to the data row that contains the key value. The pointer from an index row in a nonclustered index ...
With a clustered index the physical (on disk) order and the logical order of the data in a table are the same. Every time you edit/change order of the rows they are rearranged on disk. With unclustered index the data refers to another table that contains pointers to the physical...