The dynamics is conceptualized as a directed network, where the centroids represent nodes and the directed edges denote possible finite-time transitions. The transition probabilities and times are inferred from the snapshot data. The resulting cluster-based network model constitutes a deterministic-...
Yifan, "A Cluster-based priority scheduling algorithm for MAC layer in wireless sensor networks," Journal of Network, vol.6, pp.1507-1513, October 2011.L Bao,D Zhao,Y Zhao. A cluster-based priority scheduling algorithm for MAC layer in wireless sensor networks[J].Journal of Networks 2011,...
Our trial has also been featured in the Global Heat Health Information Network (GHHIN) monthly digest and at the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) event on climate change adaptation in Africa. Sociodemographic structure, local economic forces, and community values are driving ...
基于聚类的(Cluster-based)协同过滤推荐算法提出了另外一种解决方案。将整个用户空间根据用户的购买习惯和评分特点划 …|基于7个网页 2. 基于产业集群 最近一系列基于产业集群(cluster-based)经济发展的成功案例都表明了创新产业和经济发展的本质正在发生着变化。这些案 … ...
To tackle these challenges, we propose a novel cluster-based domain adaptive meta-learning model for cross-domain recommendation (CDAML). Specially, we utilize the adversarial cross-domain methods to introduce domain adaptation into the meta-learning framework, which can transfer domain-independent ...
PsiNet-TAP, a unique network created to categorize Pap smear images, is introduced in the study22. To create a pre-trained model, TL was used because there weren’t many photos accessible. After that, the convolution layer was changed, and specific convolution kernels that might have ...
The cluster-based schemes improve the network scalability, reduce the communications overhead and resolve the mobility issues within the clusters preventing them from propagating in the whole network. Therefore, this paper presents the taxonomy of the existing location service schemes, inspects the ...
CBVANET: A Cluster Based Vehicular Adhoc Network Model for Simple Highway Communication VANET is a special class of Mobile Ad hoc Network. VANET is mainly used to model communication in a Vehicular environment where the vehicles are considered......
Wireless sensor network; Sybil attack; Novel attack model; Clustering; 机译:无线传感器网络;Sybil攻击;新型攻击模型;聚类; 入库时间 2022-08-20 07:53:14 相似文献 外文文献 中文文献 专利 1. A Novel Model of Sybil Attack in Cluster-Based Wireless Sensor Networks and Propose a Distributed Algor...
A novel spiking modular neural network (SMNN) model is proposed, configured, and trained in a way that assigns different sub-components of the hydrologic processes to corresponding sub-components of the developed SMNN model. The modular nature of the SMNN helps to find domain-dependent ...