通过ODP 访问 OceanBase 集群时报错:ERROR 4669 (HY000): cluster not exist。 解决方法 通过ODP 访问 OceanBase 集群报错ERROR 4669 (HY000): cluster not exist的原因有如下两种,接下来根据可能原因分类介绍对应解决方法。 访问的集群不在 ODP 的访问列表中。
通过ODP 访问 OceanBase 集群时报错:ERROR 4669 (HY000): cluster not exist。 问题原因 当用户通过 ODP(默认端口:2883)登录时,需要指定要访问的 OceanBase 集群名。ODP 通过请求它自己的配置项 obproxy_config_server_url 可以获取到所有可以访问的 OceanBase 集群列表(该信息保存在 config server 即 OCP 里面)。
ERROR 4669 (HY000): cluster not exist OceanBase 技术问题 安装部署 miamiao 2023 年12 月 27 日 13:59 #1 配置完obproxy后,使用obproxy登录,一直报ERROR 4669 (HY000): cluster not exist,但是集群是存在的,这个有什么建议吗?miamiao 2023 年12 月 27 日 14:06 #3 image1069×373 109 KB 兹拉坦 ...
Instead, the machine is pointing to a VM that does not exist anymore.In order to solve this, you need to update the vspheremachine and vspherevm objects to point to the new VM running in vSphere. This requires getting the UUID for the new VM (using govc command), and using it to ...
404 ClusterNotFound The specified cluster does not exist. 指定的集群不存在,请您检查该参数是否正确。 404 ImageNotFound The specified image does not exist. 指定的镜像不存在,请您检查该参数是否正确。 406 EcsError An error occurred while calling the ECS API operation. ECS API调用出错. %s 406 Nas...
On the control plane node and the worker node machines, runip linkand compare the MTU values of theeth0interface. If they do not match, it is indicative of this issue. Run the Tanzu CLIdiagnosticsplugin and review thekubeletlogs to determine that the connections are timed out, or the work...
java.io.FileNotFoundException: File file:/databricks/driver/dummy does not exist Solution Option 1:Deletespark.files dummyfrom yourSpark Configif you are not passing actual files to Spark. Option 2:Create a dummy file and place it on the cluster. You can do this with an init script. ...
Instead, the machine is pointing to a VM that does not exist anymore.In order to solve this, you need to update the vspheremachine and vspherevm objects to point to the new VM running in vSphere. This requires getting the UUID for the new VM (using govc command), and using it to ...
renewal_status- (Optional) Valid values areAutoRenewal,Normal,NotRenewal, Default toNotRenewal. auto_renew_period- (Optional) Auto-renewal period of an cluster, in the unit of the month. It is valid when pay_type isPrePaid. Valid value:1, 2, 3, 6, 12, 24, 36, Default to 1. ...