Example response Status code: 200 Cluster details are queried successfully. { "cluster" : { "clusterId" : "bdb064ff-2855-4624-90d5-e9a6376abd6e", "clusterName" : "c17022001", "masterNodeNum" : "2", "coreNodeNum" : "3", "clusterState" : "scaling-in", "stageDesc" : "Install...
export NAMESRV_ADDR=localhost:9876 sh bin/tools.sh org.apache.rocketmq.example.quickstart.Producer 1. 2. 3. 接收消息 sh bin/tools.sh org.apache.rocketmq.example.quickstart.Consumer 1. 5、关闭 Server 无论是关闭name server还是broker,都是使用bin/mqshutdown命令。 sh bin/mqshutdown broker sh b...
POST/ HTTP/1.1Host:tcaplusdb.tencentcloudapi.com Content-Type:application/json X-TC-Action:ModifyClusterName <Common request parameters> {"ClusterName":"gz test PROTO","ClusterId":"5674209986"} Output Example {"Response": {"RequestId":"87562838-1eda-45f3-abda-59a704135fe7"} } ...
4. Example Example1 Querying the information of instances in a cluster 5. Developer Resources SDK Command Line Interface 6. Error Code 1. API Description Domain name for API request: tke.tencentcloudapi.com. This API is used to query information of node instances in a cluster. A maximum of...
Name and Location:Provide the FQDN of the first host that was documented in the previous section. Connection Settings:Input theusernameandpasswordof the ESXi host. For adding new hosts to vCenter the username isrootand the password is the same as theinitial password of your vCenterdisplayed on...
This time, use the optional 'Display' name-value pair argument to print out information about each iteration in the clustering algorithm. Get [cidx3,cmeans3] = kmeans(meas,3,'Display','iter'); iter phase num sum 1 1 150 146.424 2 1 5 144.333 3 1 4 143.924 4 1 3 143.61 5 ...
Using the City table as an example, modify the ENGINE option of the definition as follows: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `City`; CREATE TABLE `City` ( `ID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `Name` char(35) NOT NULL default '', `CountryCode` char(3) NOT NULL default '', `District` ...
In this command,restore-filenameis the name of the file you are restoring. #ccdadmclustername-rrestore-filename If necessary, turn the CCD quorum back on. #ccdadmclustername-q on Bring the logical hosts back online. For example:
For example, key=value:NoSchedule. Returns: the nodeTaints valueorchestratorVersion public String orchestratorVersion() Get version of orchestrator specified when creating the managed cluster. Returns: the orchestratorVersion valueosDiskSizeGB public Integer osDiskSizeGB(...
If you're specifying a <subzone>, there's a 32 character limit for the <subzone> name.Note You can configure CUSTOM_PRIVATE_DNS_ZONE_RESOURCE_ID using an ARM template or the Azure CLI. privateDNSZone accepts the private DNZ zone resourceID as shown in the following example: JSON Copy ...