If you do not specify a preferred owner list for resource groups, the Cluster service randomizes the list it uses internally to decide which node to fail over the groups to. That is, by default, this property is set to FALSE (0). If you want to disable this randomization and instead ...
Status: Addresses: Address: Type: ExternalIP Bootstrap Ready: true Conditions: Last Transition Time: 2023-05-15T23:13:01Z Status: True Type: Ready Last Transition Time: 2023-05-15T23:12:09Z Status: True Type: BootstrapReady Last Transition Time: 2023-05-15T23:13:01Z ...
Creates a set of groups. On this set you can control when other sets start and when this set starts based on dependencies between sets.ExamplesExample 1: Create a cluster group setPowerShell 複製 New-ClusterGroupSet -Name "Set001" -Group "Group001"...
https://tke.tencentcloudapi.com/?Action=DescribeClusterAsGroups&ClusterId=cls-xxxxxx &<Common request parameters> Output Example {"Response": {"TotalCount":1,"ClusterAsGroupSet": [ {"AutoScalingGroupId":"xx","Status":"xx","IsUnschedulable":true,"Labels": [ {"Name":"xx","Value":"xx...
host_group- (Optional) Groups of Host, You can specify MASTER as a group, CORE as a group (just like the above example). tags- (Optional, Available in v1.67.0+) A mapping of tags to assign to the resource. period- (Optional, Available in v1.101.0+) If charge type is PrePaid, ...
If cell groups already exists and no clustering is needed, then the user can use their data directly with ClusterFoldSimilarity with no normalisation, but for the purpose of the vignettes we wanted to show an archetypical single-cell analysis. I will try to add some clarifications, but the ...
mysql>createuserrepluser@'10.0.0.%'identifiedby'123456'; mysql>grantreplication slaveon*.*torepluser@'10.0.0.%'; 从节点配置: (1) 启动中继日志 [mysqld] server_id=# #为当前节点设置一个全局惟的ID号log-bin read_only=ON#设置数据库只读,针对supper user无效relay_log=relay-log#relay log的文件...
Groups are not actually added into the MarkerClusterGroup, only their non-group child layers. Therfore,hasLayermethod will returntruefor non-group child layers, butfalseon any (possibly parent) Layer Group types. If you are removing a lot of markers it will almost definitely be better to call...
AdvancedSettings": { "AsEnabled":false, "IPVS":true, "ContainerRuntime": "containerd", "RuntimeVersion": "1.6.9", "NodeNameType": "lan-ip", "ExtraArgs": { "KubeAPIServer": [], "KubeControllerManager": [], "KubeScheduler": [] }, "NetworkType": "GR", "DeletionProtection":true...
Label: zh-cn: 交换机网段 en: vSwitch CIDR Block Default: ZoneId: Type: String AssociationProperty: ALIYUN::ECS::Instance:ZoneId Label: zh-cn: 可用区 en: Availability Zone Password: NoEcho: true Type: String Label: en: Login Password zh-cn: 登录密码 MinLength: 8 MaxLength...