Unfortunately, sometimes that doesn’t work out, and if you have a knack for not matching players — like I do — then our house rule comes in handy. Everyone votes on their favorite answer that didn’t match anyone, and that person gets bonus points. It’s rarely enough to tip the s...
Tipherforwardoverthearm. 轮到波迪先生了 NowMr.Boddy. 准备 Ready. 再高一点 Alittlehigher. 好了 Therewego. 是谁 Now.Who 谁能接触到烛台 Whohadaccesstothecandlestick? 我们所有人这是给你的 Allofus.Itwasgiventoyou. 是的但我把它放在桌子上了 Yeah,butIdroppeditonthetable. 谁都有可能捡到你他 ...
“to tip” + frequentative suffix -le (see -el (3)), The transitive sense of “throw headlong, cause to tumble or upset” also is from 1590s. Related: Toppled; toppling. How To Solve Your Own Murder — Kristen Perrin “….All signs point toward your murder.” Typically, the ...
The last letters to labour leader in peru made a series of waves Tranquil fellow in rough sea not initially blue Trains running on time Tolkien creatures Tobiko in japanese cuisine Tip for a reporter maybe Texas athletic site Things felt in a classroom Took part in a theft That guys Taverns...