Clue Comedy Mystery Thriller Crime Main Genre Mystery Studio 20th Century Fox Summary Six guests are anonymously invited to a strange mansion for dinner, but after their host is killed, they must cooperate with the staff to identify the murderer as the bodies pile up. Expand ...
The classic boardgame, 'Clue' or 'Cluedo', comes to hilarious life in this 1985 comedic mystery thriller.Set against a backdrop of 1950’s Washington DC, familiar characters are brought to life when six strangers are invited to dinner at a secluded mansion at the behest of an unknown host...
This week on Alcohollywood, Jared and Clint (with guest Theo) take a peek at the 1985 ensemble board-game comedyClue! Decades beforeBattleship, this board game adaptation sees the classic murder mystery game adapted into an Agatha Christie-esque murder-in-a-house whodunit. Headed by an ensemb...
Bateman in December signed on to direct Shut In, the New Line thriller from first-time scribe Melanie Toast, moving on from Clue as it would have been too... See full article at Deadline Film + TV 2/11/2020 by Patrick Hipes Deadline Film + TV...
The Marvel Movie With The Highest Audience Score On Rotten Tomatoes 12/29/2024 by Witney Seibold Slash Film The TVLine-Up: What’s Returning, New and Leaving the Week of Dec. 29 12/29/2024 by Ryan Schwartz Charles Dolan, Cable Industry Pioneer and Founder of HBO, Dies at ...
Christian Slater Calls 'Dexter: Original Sin' Role a 'Full-Circle Moment' 35 Years After 'Heathers' 2:04 Harris Dickinson Reacts to Potentially Playing John Lennon in Beatles Biopic (Exclusive) 1:56 'Babygirl': Nicole Kidman Reacts to Golden Globe Nomination for Erotic Thrill...
No Clue is a 2013 Canadian film directed by Carl Bessai, starring Brent Butt, Amy Smart and David Koechner. The movie is a comedy thriller that tells the story of a bored and unsuccessful salesman who becomes a private detective overnight. This hilarious and clever film is full of surprise...
January 30: Jacob Kerr signs Dead Money, a debut by a native PNWer, Third Place/LFP, 7pm Déjà Vu: Denzel Washington and Tony Scott’s massively underrated techno-thrillerm [JB agrees – great movie!] Don Malcolm’s ‘The French Had a Name for It’ festivals have transformed how we ...