Shadow: (walks in the door) hey rouge get me a soda Rouge: sure Shadow Selenia: Oh great...My brother's here, I huess the fun's over...*turns back to normal yellow* Hey Shadow Shadow: (without looking at her) you missed the reunion last month *sips his Drink* Endac: wel...
Issue date: June 15 The Hague, June 15, 2020 – The latest stamps from the Typical Dutch series depict the traditional bitterbal. This round version of the croquette used to be eaten with a bitter, a strong alcoholic herbal drink like gin. The design of Typically Dutch – Bitterballen is...
These sodas will give you more than just a sugar high -- they're full to the brim with magical powers! When Alaina discovers they can give her a boost in school, one sip is just too good to resist. But one drink leads to another, and soon she's on a slippery slope to unintended...
The evening finished with a socially distanced meal and a sun-downer drink on the beach. Lets see what tomorrow brings. It was clear someone had upset the gods and we all had far to much fun on Saturday. Sunday was greeted with mist, rain and 25 to 30kts of wind from the NE. ...
When I asked Susan if she could recommend a rescue for people in the Sacramento/Northern California area, she said, "I thinkHappy Tailsis wonderful! They are in Sacramento. That is where my friend got her CH kitty. So many shelters would have put him down. He can't walk at all, but...