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Throttle bodies & non-OEM ECUs Discussions: 1,026 Messages: 14,879 Latest:Anyone help with a diagram of ecu pin out on 2001 v6 4motionrubjonny,Nov 26, 2024 K-Jetronic OEM injection Discussions: 278 Messages: 2,868 Latest:Trying to fix stalling issues (Metering head/ fuel lines/ Fuel pum...
modelx oem 20" wheels sonic carbon sonic carbon wheels Tires Wheels wheelsandtires Replies: 4 Forum: Tesla Aftermarket Parts & Accessories D Model X 100D 2017 for sale Trying to figure out if I trade it in to Tesla for the PLAID or sell. Car has been great, there are a couple bo...
Product Diagram car accessories Engine-Cooling System Water Pipe We now have 99 customers from all over the world. 1. We have own factory and 80% of staff in our company worked for more than 10 years. 2. We provide a competitive price. 3. High precision, tolerance...
The new hood struts were a challenge to mount due to the space constraints so try practicing removal and reattachment using the first OEM strut you remove. It is very tight on one side so small arms and a lot of patience is key The car would turn on the AC every 10-20 minutes for ...
The terminals I see from the above link seem to just feed power to heated seat module, looks like you might need a control module from the donor car as well. Factory wiring diagram would be helpful here. Dmoonan has access I think, I only have access to 451 wiring as I use Mitchell...
Knowing that I am the OEM guy that I am, doing some of these things was difficult for me. I've tried to stay as OEM as possible, doing things as I think Toyota would (albeit without the research dollars and casting abilities, lol). Everything on the car is either Toyota OE, TRD,...
Hi, I did my belt a while back using MoGolf's procedure on here which I found excellent. My Car's a UK AJM engine code rather than a US BEW though and so has a Hydraulic Tensioner, so I got stuck at this point and Mo sent me a file for the tensioner and suggested I did pictu...
(30pin play and charge Ipod connector and 3.5mm aux) from RCA inputs to some type of 3 pin lock connector. I spent the majority of afternoon going to car stereo installation, computer repair, home improvement, and security shops looking for it. Finally got lucky and found a compatible Y ...
Ford was quoted as saying "he would provide the customer any colour car so long as it was black." and he got away with that and set up a huge car factory. Contemporary scenario points out to entirely different business situation. The competition has made the producers accept a Selling ...