鄂ICP备14019955号-1须知 纯小白请勿购买,以免造成不必要的损失!!! 只提供资料,不提供除此外的技术支持! 不回答不解答技术问题! 下载前请认真阅读本站的声明和须知! 如果付款后没有显示提取码的联系微信:rootbbs 请先登录 再评论,若不是会员请先 注册!
Now select the Update.app that you moved to SD Card (root directory). Now you will see a screen which shows the installation process. Wait until the installation process completes. When the progress bar stop, the phone will restart automatically In case if you have the Data File and you w...
Update your system path to point to the jvm.dll, which should be under your %javaroot%/jre/bin/server directory. Open Administrative tools Data Sources (ODBC). You should see the following: Go to the System DSN tab and click Add. Select JDBC Lite for JDK 1.4 (32 bit) and click Finis...
Update your system path to point to the jvm.dll, which should be under your %javaroot%/jre/bin/server directory. Open Administrative tools Data Sources (ODBC). You should see the following: Go to the System DSN tab and click Add. Select JDBC Lite for JDK 1.4 (32 bit) and click Finis...