Each class may in clude daily revisi on of Ian guage, rich and comprehe nsible in put and n egotiate meaning“ Put up with learners errors. ” Fluency firstccuracy second in oral work. A Research on the Use of CLT In order to get first hand information, the author makes a research...
ENGLISH ON CAMPUS 沟通式教学法(CLT)在英语外语教学(EFL)语法课中的应用 文/许 健 是被动学习者,教师会根据课程、教学方法和不同形式的评估做出所有决定(Buditama, 2017, p. 209),其中包含教师一言堂、死记硬背、及时纠错等教学策略,教师被视为知识的传递者,语言形式比意义更受关注。这些传统方法之所以在...
They are provided by opportunities for usingthe meaningful context and in new and complex ways. Each class may include daily revision of language, rich and comprehensible inputand negotiate meaning“Put up with learners’errors.” Fluency first,accuracy second in oral work. II.AResearchon the Use...
13、 negotiate meaning “Put up with learners errors.” Fluency first,accuracy second in oral work.II. A Research on the Use of CLTIn order to get first hand information, the author makes a research in seven senior high schools in Yueqing City. One hundred and eight teachers from different...
It has also presented the different conceptions and understanding of the meaning of CLT from the teachers' viewpoints and has considered its future prospects in Bangladesh. In addition, it has shown what reading basically is and has investigated the tertiary level Bangladeshi students' perceptions of...
17、emeaning and communicate with someone about something for some purpose.(2) Diversity is recognized and accepted as a part of language development.(3) A learners competence is viewed in relative, not in absolute aspects.(4) Over one variety of a language is recognized as a feasible sample...
which is so boring and dull. Take one activity as an example, the teacher writes down a number 12 and asks students to guess the meaning. This number should indicate one important thing that appears around the teacher’s life. The students are willing to know these so called teachers priva...
2.FormationofCLT FourStages:1.BritishlinguistD.A.Wilkins(1972)proposedafunctionalorcommunicativesyllabusforthelanguageteaching—ananalysisofthecommunicativemeaningthatalanguagelearnerneedstounderstandandexpress.2.Later,WilkinsrevisedandexpandedhisdocumentintoabooktitledNotionalSyllabuses(Wilkins,1976...
➢Duetothetest-orientededucation,teachersprefernottouseCLT.➢Chinesepeopletendtoregardlearningasaseriousmatterandmightassociatecommunicativeactivitiesasgameswithentertainment.2Task-basedlanguageteachinginChinaIsTask-basedlanguageteachingimportabletoChina?7 Sampson(1985)Noteachingmethodcanbevaluefreeandhencenoteaching...