Conclusions Higher resistance rates reported due to breakpoint changes in CLSI and EUCAST guidelines will result in increasing numbers of Gram-negative bacilli reported as multidrug resistant. AST reports classifying amoxicillin/clavulanic acid, cefepime or carbapenem resistance will lead clinicians to use ...
34 No. 1 M100-S24 Contents Abstract 1 s t n e t s t n n Committee Membership 5 o e C t f n o o e C Summary of Major Changes in This Document 13 l f b o a T e l b Cefepime Breakpoint Change for Enterobacteriaceae and Introduction of the a T Susceptible-Dose Dependent (...
Pseudomonas aeruginosa Applying EUCAST CBPs resulted in cumulated ME/vME rates for piperacillin-tazobactam, ceftazidime, cefepime, tobramycin and gentamicin of 2–7% for isolates in the 95% probability range for ME/vME. The relation of ME and vME was almost equal with a slight tendency to more ...
摘要: 2009年1月美国临床和实验室标准化研究所(CLSI)出版了《抗菌药物敏感试验执行标准第十九版信息增刊》(M100-S19),以取代M100-S18。新版本在格式上作了重大调整,内容上也进行了一定程度更新,下面简要介绍第十九版信息增刊主要更新内容,供临床微生物学实验室工作人员参考。1一...
PerformanceStandardsforAntimicrobial SusceptibilityTesting;Twenty-Fourth InformationalSupplement ThisdocumentprovidesupdatedtablesfortheClinicaland LaboratoryStandardsInstituteantimicrobialsusceptibilitytesting standardsM02-A11,M07-A9,andM11-A8. AninformationalsupplementforglobalapplicationdevelopedthroughtheClinicalandLaboratoryStand...