在.NET框架中,'CLSCompliant'属性是一个表示程序集、接口、类型或成员是否符合公共语言规范(Common Language Specification,简称 CLS)的特性。CLS是一组规则和约束,旨在确保不同的编程语言实现(如 C#、Visual Basic、C++ 等)可以相互识别和使用类型和成员。这使得开发人员可以使用多种编程语言来构建和维护跨语言的应用程...
CLSCompliant(true) 项目 2024/09/25 Development tips and tricks that aren't documented anywhere elseGetting to 1.0I imagine that a lot of my readers are developers like me who got into the business (or stay in the...Date: 05/01/2014...
在.NET框架中,'CLSCompliant'属性是一个表示程序集、接口、类型或成员是否符合公共语言规范(Common Language Specification,简称 CLS)的特性。CLS是一组规则和约束,旨在确保不同的编程语言实现(如 C#、Visual Basic、C++ 等)可以相互识别和使用类型和成员。这使得开发人员可以使用多种编程语言来构建和维护跨语言的应用程...
“CLS是编程语言设计者和类库设计者之间的一个约定” [ CLSCompliant(false)]publicvoidCreateItem(EnvDTE.DTE dte) {this.creator.CreateDataAccessTechnologyObject(this, dte); }
CLS(公共语言规范)的CLSCompliant(跨语言调用) .net的一个很重要的特性就是跨语言的编程,用C#写的dll可以在VB.net里调用,例如: 用C#写的一个类,编译到dll中,然后在VB.net中调用: usingSystem; namespaceCLSsample { publicclassCLSTest { publicCLSTest()...
CLSCompliant(true) Article 07/17/2020 Development tips and tricks that aren't documented anywhere elseGetting to 1.0I imagine that a lot of my readers are developers like me who got into the business (or stay in the...Author: jwmiller5 Date: 05/01/2014...
Versio .NET 9 AsyncCallback Attribute AttributeTargets AttributeUsageAttribute BadImageFormatException Base64FormattingOptions BitConverter Boolean Buffer Byte CannotUnloadAppDomainException Char CharEnumerator CLSCompliantAttribute CLSCompliantAttribute Constructors ...
using System; [assembly: CLSCompliant(true)] The following declaration generates a CLS-compliance warning because the type UInt32 is not specified in the CLS.C# Kopēt public int SetValue(UInt32 value); If the declaration is marked with a CLSCompliantAttribute, no compiler warning or error is...
网络释义 1. 公共语言规范 3) C#命名规范 命名规范 以.Net 公共语言规范(CLSCompliant)为基础,规定标识符的命名规则。 标识符类别 命名空间 大小 …wenku.baidu.com|基于1 个网页 例句 释义: 全部,公共语言规范 更多例句筛选 1. Next, add the code [assembly: CLSCompliant(true)] to the end of the Assem...
CLSCompliantAttribute.cs Indicates whether a program element is compliant with the Common Language Specification (CLS). This class cannot be inherited. C# [System.AttributeUsage(System.AttributeTargets.All, AllowMultiple=false, Inherited=true)]publicsealedclassCLSCompliantAttribute:Attribute ...