380 - INFO - image_shape : [3, 1024, 1024] 2021-05-03 17:12:34,380 - INFO - ls_epsilon : 0.1 2021-05-03 17:12:34,380 - INFO - mode : train 2021-05-03 17:12:34,380 - INFO - model_save_dir : ./output/ 2021-05-03 17:12:34,380 - INFO - pretrained_model : 2021-...
308 - INFO - image_shape : [3, 224, 224] 2021-05-05 11:48:07,308 - INFO - mode : train 2021-05-05 11:48:07,308 - INFO - model_save_dir : ./output/ 2021-05-05 11:48:07,308 - INFO - pretrained_model : ./ResNet50_vd_ssld_pretrained 2021-05-05 11:48:07,309 - ...
yolo export model=best.pt format=openvino 第五步:修改main.cpp视频路径和openvino模型路径,同时如果是自定义模型还需要修改代码里面一些推理参数,比如shape,类别数,网络输出层参数等 第六步:重新build和cmake,得到exe文件点击exe即可弹出窗口显示视频实时检测效果 【温馨提示】 运行闪退很可能路径填写错误,主要2个原因...
Adjust the balance between the Bass and Treble rotors to sculpt your modulated sound into the right shape for your mix. 3 Stereo Image Continuously adjust the width of Rotary CLS-222’s sound, from simple mono through to 120% ‘Super Stereo’. 4 Speed Control Rev it up to Fast mode, wh...
image_shape: [3, 224, 224] LEARNING_RATE: function: 'Cosine' params: lr: 0.0125 OPTIMIZER: function: 'Momentum' params: momentum: 0.9 regularizer: function: 'L2' factor: 0.00001 TRAIN:# 训练配置 batch_size: 32 # 训练的batch size
paddle2onnx \--model_dir./inference/ch_ppocr_mobile_v2.0_cls_infer \--model_filename inference.pdmodel \--params_filename inference.pdiparams \--save_file../ch_ppocr_mobile_v2.0_cls.onnx \--opset_version11\--enable_onnx_checker True \--input_shape_dict="{'x':[1,3,48,192]}"...
paddle2onnx \--model_dir./inference/ch_ppocr_mobile_v2.0_cls_infer \--model_filename inference.pdmodel \--params_filename inference.pdiparams \--save_file../ch_ppocr_mobile_v2.0_cls.onnx \--opset_version11\--enable_onnx_checker True \--input_shape_dict="{'x':[1,3,48,192]}"...
np.full(shape, val): 生成全为val np.eye(n) : 生成单位矩阵 np.ones_like(a) : 按数组a的形状生成全1的数组 np.zeros_like(a): 同理 np.full_like (a, val) : 同理 np.linspace(1,10,4): 根据起止数据等间距地生成数组 np.linspace(1,10,4, endpoint = False):endpoint 表示10是否作为...
Package Shape SQUARE Package Style CHIP CARRIER Parallel/Serial PARALLEL Qualification Status Not Qualified Standby Voltage-Min 2 V Supply Voltage-Max (Vsup) 3.6 V Supply Voltage-Min (Vsup) 3 V Supply Voltage-Nom (Vsup) 3.3 V Surface Mount YES Technology CMOS Temperature Grade ...
image_embed, high_res_feats_0, high_res_feats_1, point_coords, point_labels, mask_input, has_mask_input): """ name: point_coords tensor: float32[num_labels,num_points,2] name: point_labels tensor: float32[num_labels,num_points] """ print(point_coords.shape, po...