华硕(ASUS)作为一家全球知名的电脑硬件制造商,以其高品质和稳定性而闻名于世。华硕主板作为其主要产品之一,在市场上广受好评。然而,尽管华硕主板质量可靠,但偶尔也会出现一些问题。在这些情况下,华硕主板CLRTC(Clear Real Time Clock)功能成为了解决问题的得力工具。 1. CLRTC的作用 CLRTC是华硕主板上的一种特殊功能...
3.对新的CPU提供了支持,具体请参考如下网页:http://support.asus.com/cpusupport/cpusupport.aspx.*支持英特尔下一代22纳米处理器 E1步进量产版本CPU.*从之前旧版本升级到此版时需要刷新两次Bios,完成后需要CLRTC。 文件大小 3.14 (MBytes) 2012/04/27 更新 下载全球(DLM)全球中国 af300327 豪华大板 12 ...
I have asked Asus and am awaiting an answer. But Asus referred to the CLRTC jumper when answering another question. And for other questions unrelated to CLRTC , I have gotten different answers to the same question from different support people. Some support people referred to non-existent ...
But Asus referred to the CLRTC jumper when answering another question. And for other questions unrelated to CLRTC , I have gotten different answers to the same question from different support people. Some support people referred to non-existent entries in the BIOS. The documentation for this ...
I have asked Asus and am awaiting an answer. But Asus referred to the CLRTC jumper when answering another question. And for other questions unrelated to CLRTC , I have gotten different answers to the same question from different support people. Some support people referred to non-existent entrie...