The aim is to implement all the algorithms and data structures discussed in the textbook Introduction to Algorithms by Thomas H. Cormen, et al. The third edition of this textbook will be referred to as CLRS³, and the fourth edition as CLRS⁴. Folders usually contain several versions of ...
尽管不知道大家如何想,实际上,如果CLRS是第一学期之后学习,要满足这两种前驱知识的需求也并不难达到。 注意:本章强调实践,使用C++及OO编程的技术做完本章习题,基本就覆盖了普通Data Structures with C++ 的内容。我在对比了William Ford的《Data Structures with C++》的目录之后得出此结论。如果我的学生可以完成这些...
尽管不知道大家如何想,实际上,如果CLRS是第一学期之后学习,要满足这两种前驱知识的需求也并不难达到。 注意:本章强调实践,使用C++及OO编程的技术做完本章习题,基本就覆盖了普通Data Structures with C++ 的内容。我在对比了William Ford的《Data Structures with C++》的目录之后得出此结论。如果我的学生可以完成这些...
for example, linked lists, but you should definitely have an idea about it and most importantly know the (expected and worst-case) time complexities of search/insert/delete etc. Also know that practically, they're very important data structures and, also practically, the expected time complexity...
Part III: Data Structures X 1 2 3 4 p XI 1 2 3 4 5 p XII 1 2 3 XIII 1 2 3 4 p XIV 1 2 3 p Part IV: Advanced Design and Analysis Techniques XV 1 2 3 4 5 XVI 1 2 3 XVII 1 2 Part V: Advanced Data Structures XVIII 1 2 3 XIX 1 2 XXI 1 2 3 Part VI: Graph ...
V Advanced Data Structures 更改了文件结构,排序总结 9年前 VI Graph Algorithms 更改了文件结构,排序总结 9年前 VII Selected Topics 更改了文件结构,排序总结 9年前 .gitignore 第四章 最大子数组问题算法Java代码 9年前 LICENSE add LICENSE & add CLRS C11 & reconstruct README ...
Chapter 21: Data Structures for Disjoint Sets Lecture Notes 21-1Solutions 21-6 Chapter 22: Elementary Graph Algorithms Lecture Notes 22-1Solutions 22-13 Chapter 23: Minimum Spanning Trees Lecture Notes 23-1Solutions 23-8 Chapter 24: Single-Source Shortest Paths ...
注意:本章强调实践,使用C++及OO编程的技术做完本章习题,基本就覆盖了普通Data Structures with C++ 的内容(我对比了William Ford的《Data Structures with C++》的目录得出此结论)。如果我的学生可以完成这些内容的学习,就必须问一句:数据结构还必须那样教吗?
4. Weighted Median 的最坏线性时间算法,以及经典应用 第10 章 Elementary Data Structures 1. 两个栈模拟一个队列,两个队列模拟一个栈 2. left-child, right-sibling 表示法 3. 树的各种非递归遍历 第11 章 Hash functions 1. Universal hashing Local sensitive hashing 共同点是具有一个hash 函数集 2. ...
课程分为2 parts: PART I: data type sorting and searching basic data structures and algorithms - stacks栈, queues, bags and priority queues classic algorithms for sorting - quicksort快速排序, mergesort归并排序, hea...概念介绍:POE供电交换机、tcpip模型、OSI七层模型、路由协议、网关、访问列表(待整...