Using a damp sponge, wipe the glass clean, wait 2 minutes, and remove the product using a clean sponge or cloth and cold water. Then wipe dry and enjoy the view.Maintaining Your Dishwasher EfficiencyTo keep your dishwasher in best working order and avoid soap scum and hard water stains on...
To clean a dishwasher, remove dishwashing rinse agent before using Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover. Pour a 1/2 cup of Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover directly into the bottom of an empty dishwasher (no glasses, dishes, or flatware but the racks can stay). Run a normal cycle followed by ...
In our opinion, the most important qualities of a rental place are that it is clean and quiet. These qualities were met 100%. Also important are location and good internet. The apartment is only one and one half from the nearest streetcar stop. One can...
HOW TO CLEAN FOGGY GLASSES AND REMOVE HAZEShare IS THERE ANYTHING MORE ANNOYING THAN UNLOADING THE DISHWASHER TO FIND A TOP RACK FULL OF CLOUDY GLASSES? NOT REALLY. Mickey from Katie, Texas was tired of this happening to her so she asked us, “How do I get my clear drinking glasses to...
If you want to make your spring cleaning easier, start cleaning in the fall. Cleaning your windows and screens will let the sun shine in and brighten your home all winter long. A clean humidifier filter will help keep your home more comfortable while your furnace is running. You can even ...