How to run a command in CMD with the pre/post build events of Visual Studio with administrator privileges? How to run a Windows Service as administrator? How to run an .exe in another computer How to save/restore windows position using win32 api? How to send ATA command to an external ...
The appropriate command text is specified by initializing the SqlCommand object. The previous example counts the number of rows in table SalesOrderHeader. Next, the ExecuteScalar method of the cmd object is called. This returns a value of type int based on the query....
2.1.1154 Part 1 Section 19.5.28, cmd (Command) 2.1.1155 Part 1 Section 19.5.29, cMediaNode (Common Media Node Properties) 2.1.1156 Part 1 Section 19.5.31, cond (Condition) 2.1.1157 Part 1 Section 19.5.33, cTn (Common Time Node Properties) 2.1.1158 Part 1 Section 19.5.3...
The appropriate command text is specified by initializing theSqlCommandobject. The previous example counts the number of rows in tableSalesOrderHeader. Next, theExecuteScalarmethod of thecmdobject is called. This returns a value of typeintbased on the query. Fin...
The appropriate command text is specified by initializing theSqlCommandobject. The previous example counts the number of rows in tableSalesOrderHeader. Next, theExecuteScalarmethod of thecmdobject is called. This returns a value of typeintbased on the query. Finally, the order count is returned to...
1. Open Visual Studio Command Prompt (2010) under Start menu -> All Programs -> Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 -> Visual Studio Tools (run it with Administrator privilege: right-click the program -> Run as administrator); 2. Try some devenv switches in command prompt: ...
command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; command.CommandText = "firstapp1"; SqlDataAdapter dp = new SqlDataAdapter(command); dp.Fill(ds); DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0].Copy(); foreach (DataRow item in ds.Tables[0].Select("id<1000")) ...
2.1.1154 Part 1 Section 19.5.28, cmd (Command) 2.1.1155 Part 1 Section 19.5.29, cMediaNode (Common Media Node Properties) 2.1.1156 Part 1 Section 19.5.31, cond (Condition) 2.1.1157 Part 1 Section 19.5.33, cTn (Common Time Node Properties) 2.1.1158 Part 1 Section 19.5.39, endSync...
SqlCommandcmdLiming =newSqlCommand("dbo.GiveYouString", northwindConnection); cmdLiming.CommandType =CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmdLiming.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } catch(Exceptionex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } } privatestaticvoidOnInfoMessage(objectsender, ...
Type incmdin Windows search Right-click onCommand Promptresult and pickRun as administrator In the new window, copy and paste the following commands, pressingEnterafter each: msiexec /unreg msiexec /regserver Close Command Prompt andrebootyour PC. ...