Bipolar I disorder in adults and children age 13 years and older Bipolar depression in adults and children age 10 years and older Depression that hasn't responded well to other treatments $11.00 Lowest GoodRx priceView Prices What is the latest news about Clozapine (Clozaril)? Is Your Medicat...
AIM: Our objective was to investigate the effects and tolerability of fixed-dose combination therapy on blood pressure and LDL in adults without elevated blood pressure or lipid levels. METHODS: This was a double-blind randomised placebo-controlled trial in residents of Kalaleh, Golestan, Iran. ...
Clozapine is not recommended for the treatment of behavior problems in older adults with dementia. 注:药品如有新包装,以新包装为准。以上资讯来源于网络或由高等医药院校的学生志愿者翻译(如有错漏,请帮忙指正),仅供医护人员内部讨论,不作任何用药依据,具体用药指引,请咨询主治医师。
There is a higher risk of death, stroke, and mini-stroke in older adults who take clozapine or another antipsychotic and have memory loss or psychosis related to dementia. Clozapine is not approved to treat dementia-related psychosis. Smoking Tobacco. Tell your health care provider if you smoke...
Excess saliva in your mouth ordry mouth Sweating Vision changes Constipation or nausea Fever(see below) There may be other side effects of clozapine that are not listed here. Contact your health care provider if you think you are having a side effect of a medicine. In the U.S., you can...